Monday, April 13, 2015

The Day We Became Celebrities

This week we started English classes at a new school. It is a public school about 15 minutes away from our campus. We were told to prepare lessons on days of the week, months, and festivals in America and that we would be teaching third through fifth grade.
Not knowing much else Jerem and I forwarded the information to the six teachers who were taking on this project and hoped for the best. I was to go with them to check in and make sure thing were smoothly. This morning we met our drivers at 7:30 and they took us the campus. We were immediately met by smiling teachers who were so thrilled we were there.
They took us on a quick tour of the campus and then to the canteen to give us noodles. They were so warm and inviting, we knew this was going to be great. The girls then headed to their classrooms and I went back and forth between to observe and check in. First of all, there were 40 kids in each class.. FORTY! But they were so well behaved. They were exactly what we thought Chinese classes would be like. The kids were BEYOND excited to have us there. They about died when we walked in. We learned later that they had never had foreign teachers on campus before. After the first lesson kids started coming up to us with pens and books asking for our signature.
We were confused at first but with the permission of the Chinese teachers went ahead. Within seconds there were dozens of kids pressed up against us throwing books, journals, post it notes, lesson books and pens in our faces. We could not sign fast enough.
We looked at each other and just started laughing like crazy. Then the bell rang, which by the way is a pleasant song or chime- America take note it is much better than the annoying bells you have. After the second lesson the swarms started again and once again we were being attacked by crazed fans. The teachers hurried them away to morning exercises where the kids stood in perfect lines and practiced a memorized exercise routine during recess. After the third round of classes when most books had been signed the hug berg-aide came. One after another we were met by eager arms and warm hugs. I am not kidding you if you are ever feeling sad or in need of a smile come to this school. It was insane. Even when we went into the break room they swarmed the windows and greeted us telling us how beautiful we were.

Once lessons were finished we were invited to stay for lunch and to see the kids at PE- really Kenz just wanted to play basketball and was so excited when we got to shoot some hoops and run laps with them.

This school rocks. I can't wait until next week, when I become famous once again.

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