Sunday, September 28, 2014

You Pay to Volunteer?!

When I tell people I left my job, animals, family and life to travel the world for a year they are usually astonished, excited, and then the questions come. What are you doing? How did you find the program? What about your job, life, stuff?  How much do you get paid? Paid? Bahahaha. When I tell people I'm paying my way through it all then the second set of questions come. Why? How much is it? How do you afford that?

So let's talk.

What are you doing?
- Teaching English, art, PE, and health. Volunteering, tutoring, sewing quilts, painting orphanages, feeding stray animals, the works.
Who are you doing it with?
- I went to Fiji through HELP International. They are a program that sends you for certain waves of time (6-18 weeks) and you create your own projects based on your interests and motivations. You can literally do whatever you want but they focus in three areas: education, health, and business. They also focus on sustainability. 
- I went to Lithuania through ILP: International Language Programs. They are a program that teaches English through a method unique to them. I will also be going with them to China in January for 5 months as a Head Teacher. 
- Before all this I went to Ecuador with a program called Orphanage Support Services Organization. OSSO. This program sends you to volunteer with orphans. You work all day most days in orphanages. It is a lot of volunteer work but incredibly rewarding. This program has the most volunteer work as you will easily put in 40+ hours a week. 

How did I find the programs?
- Word of mouth and internet research. I wanted to do volunteer programs that had high standards for the volunteers and upheld morals so I look for ones related to my church or any church for that matter. None of these programs are through my church, none of them are missions, they are all non profit independent organizations but these three happen to uphold our standards and are run by LDS people. I love that, makes me feel safe and secure no matter where I go in the world.

What about my job? Animals? My stuff? 
- My animals are living at my moms. Thank goodness for my parents and the fact they would take care of them. Let me tell you that I would never have given them away to travel but it worked out nicely! That being said I miss them like crazy everyday! Okay my stuff, apartment, etc. I put it all in storage. It's boxed and stored. Moving is not the most fun thing ever but it's doable. You can sell your contract and fine cheap storage. Make it work. My job? I was prepared to quit. That was an insanely hard decision but what it comes down to is living life and some things you just need to do. Luckily in the end my principal found a way for me to take leave and that was a huge blessing. But like my mom said a job is a job and you can find a new one.

People are most surprised when I tell them I am paying to be here. 
So why did I choose to pay instead of taking a paid teaching job? 
1. I wanted the volunteer experience. It wasn't just about the travel but I wanted the experience of helping people.
2. I wanted to visit as many places as possible and with paid jobs they are usually a year contract in one set location. 
3. I needed to go with a group that held high standards. Seeing as how I don't drink, party, or do any of these crazy things I wanted to be with people who would do the same and be at church on Sunday and who follow the same things I do. 
4. I feel more comfortable going with a group than alone. Knowing I will always have friends and a group of people around me for support is a huge sigh of relief. 
These were my big things that had me choose volunteer work instead of a paid position. 

So you are paying for this!?
Yes. Help International was about 3k for two months + airfare + personal travel. The airfare was about $1,000 plus I paid an additional $350 to change my flight because I had to come home early. I spent an additional $1,500 on travel and personal things like the fact that they didn't provide internet or food on weekends. But I also got to travel to the most famous and attractive islands, the Yasawas for a week! That money also paid for weekend travel and we went somewhere every single weekend. 

When you go with a company you know you are paying them a fee and then in turn they provide housing, food, the projcect funds, transportation, etc. But you are also paying for the company: the people who helped organize it, your country directors, their advertising, their location, etc. So I knew going in that travel alone of course would be cheaper but like I said I wanted all the benefits that the non profit provided. 

So next: ILP is only $2500 for five months. Say what how is that possible? That's including airfare, housing, food, everything. The way it is so much cheaper is because it is subsidized through the school. This also makes for a huge difference in your experience. Later I will write reviews on each company and my experience. For now I struggle a little with feeling like a true volunteer because the kids are paying. It's just a different feeling than working with third world kids who literally don't have food or clothing.  Anyway, I'm also spending an additional $2,500 on travel while here. This is way more than most groups but most groups don't travel to 12 countries. Really though, our group is travel crazy.
The cool thing about ILP is that when I go a second time to China I'm going as the head teacher who is in charge of the volunteers and they will pay for me to go. Sweet deal right? 
 So all in all a year of volunteer work traveling the world when all is said and done will cost about: $13,000
Where do you get $13,000? Savings. That's it. Some people fundraise. I'm against asking people for money but that's just my personal thing. I did use my photoshoot money as donations which I saved about $1,000 from that and the rest I paid on my own. 
I think everyone should go on a volunteer or travel abroad at some point in their life and you can all make it happen. Fundraise if you need to use one of those money sites and beg for money lol. Work. Save. Travel. I don't believe in going into debt. Some do but that is against everything I believe and have been taught. This experience though is worth whatever you need to do, my friend even sold her car to go to Ecuador with OSSO and she said it was worth it. Nothing, nothing will have as big as an impact as living in another country and devoting your life to service. Go. 

So yes. I left my family, dogs, boyfriend at the time, house, stuff to come here. Yes, I quit my job but in the end was able to keep it. Yes, I am paying for the entire thing. And YES it is worth it!

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