Thursday, November 30, 2017

Cause Based Christmas

       Every time I come back from a trip, humanitarian or not, I am racked with feelings of guilt, sadness, thankfulness, and confusion. How can I live in such an amazing place where I am so blessed yet others live lives where they just wish they had access to clean water? I have seen some very deep and heavy things on my trips and many times I return home just in time for the holidays which is an overwhelming contrast.
      Holidays where we shower each other with gifts upon gifts upon gifts. I've had to find the balance of living my life with my holiday traditions and presents but also feeling good about where my money is going and how I am serving and helping those in need.
      I've been asked many times about the places I visit or the organizations I come in contact with. I've also been asked, "What can I do?" I think one thing we can all do this Christmas is find balance in our gift giving and have a cause based Christmas.
      1. Scale back on the amount of gifts. America is a consumer based society but we consume SO much and we throw away so much that is still of use or value to others. Instead of showering children with gifts why not pick a few more meaningful gifts and then give the gift of time together.
      2. Serve. The holidays are a great time to serve. Pick something to do as a family or a group of friends. Food banks, homeless shelters, and drives galore. It is an easy time to find service be it through your local community, school, library, etc. My go to websites are:
        3. Upcycle. I have many crafty friends who take items from garage sales, the side of the road, or things they may have thrown away and turn them into beautiful gifts. Old plates and broken lamps turned into stacked jewelry holders. Pringles cans turned into cute containers to hold homemade cookies. Broken glass frames lined with chicken wire and turned into earring holders. The possibilities are endless.
         4. Buy with a cause. Not all gifts can be centered around giving back but what about those that can? I believe strongly in shopping local, supporting small business, and finding companies that give back to the community be it in your own backyard or global. Here are some of the people, organizations, and non profits I support full heatedly. I have focused this year on giving the gift of sponsorship or at least giving actual gifts that in some way support others.

California Wildlife Center
Each week I volunteer at the CWC, an incredible organization that rehabilitates injured wildlife and then releases them back into their native habitat. They have sponsorships that make great gifts. I use these to sponsor for the little ones since you can add a plushie to your gift. Does a 6 month old really need extra gifts? With the little plushie and a sponsor they are saving the lives of animals.
Cheapest sponsor: $50 Hummingbird
Most expensive: $1500 Sea Lionv
Raksha Nepal
Raksha Nepal  Is the shelter I volunteered at in Nepal. They house 60 girls who are all victims of sexual abuse, assault, trafficking, etc. The leader there, Menuka, is one of the most inspiring and powerful women I have ever met. She runs this organization so well and has thought of everything these girls need. You can read more about my experience here.   Donations of any amount can be made through Help International. ( @helpintl) .  Make sure you check you want your donation to be used for a special purpose and on the drop down menu click Raksha Nepal. 

The Gem Studio

I met Matt while serving in Uganda. In fact, we had Thanksgiving at his orphanage in Africa. You can read about it and see photos here.  Since then Matt has started a studio where you can go and make your own rings and all proceeds go to the orphanage. The only downside is that this is in Utah but let me tell you this orphanage as well as these rings are incredible and totally worth a trip. How fun to give the gift of a silversmithing. Check out his instagram to see the beautiful rings you can create. They now offer rings for purchase! They have trained the girls from Raksha in silversmithing and rings can now be purchased and all proceeds go back to them! 
Child Of Hope
Also while in Uganda I was able to tour the slums. It was a heartbreaking situation but an organization has stepped in and is giving kids a fighting chance through education. You can read about my time with Child of Hope here.  You can sponsor a child for 20E, you will have to do the exchange into USD. I sponsor a child each month and I can tell you the money is going to a great cause with inspiring people who are leading the way. You can sponsor a child here.

My very first service trip was with OSSO. They work with orphanages in Ecuador and now have their own orphanage. This is another organization I use to sponsor a child.  The sponsorship is $30 up to $500 a month.  If you don't have enough to sponsor or are looking for another way to donate they sell incredible cards that the kids make and other items. These make great gifts and support the orphanages. 

This is more for those of you who still want to give actual gifts, things. This company finds other companies or locals who are making products that are socially conscious and often support others in struggling areas. It is a subscription service where you can get boxes 4x a year filled with items that have a good cause. $49 a box. You can also order the box just once. My last box I ordered because there was a necklace that was made from recycled animal bone by local women in Africa. This year I ordered two boxes and am taking it apart to give pieces to those friends and family in my life. 

Little Princes
Know of anyone who likes to read? Buy them this book. It will inspire them as well as help to support a children's home in Nepal. It is honestly one of my favorite books of all time. It would also be great for book club. Many people are getting this book from me this year. :)

Consider Christmas with a cause this year. If you have any questions please ask!

Krochet Kids
This beanie was in my Causebox and was incredible quality. So soft, so cute. So, I ordered another one and LOVE it. Fast shipping, great quality, comes in a cute bag and makes an excellent gift. The best part? You can virtually meet the person who made your beanie. They are providing jobs for women in other countries.

Pinch Me Therapy Dough
Kids love slime and putty these days but this dough has a cause. Each purchase helps pay for a soldier's stress management training with bootstrapusa. My friend Sarah and I saw this in a cute boutique in Morris, IL and she sent me some for Christmas. It smells so good and feels incredible!

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