Thursday, June 18, 2015

Turning 29, China Style

When I came out of the shower to my besties singing and saw this I knew it was going to be a great day. 
Those are HPC donuts. China doesn't do cake. China doesn't do frosting. But China does to bakeries. 
My friends know that bakeries and me go together like salt and pepper. This was perfect. 
After devouring this cake it was time for a mega bed movie. 
Then we headed to lunch in the cafeteria. But let's have a back story. For three weeks I have been checking every day for them to have these dumpling things filled with scrambled egg and onion. Disappointment every day until today. On my birthday, they had them! 
Back to the dorm to finish our movie. 
Then it was time to get ready and head into school. Took some photos with the kids then had to teach a class for a girl who was sick. 
Then to mikelles class:
Then we headed to MEET for Indian food. It rained on the way.
Had to take a birthday selfie with the wonderful Mikelle since we take selfies everywhere.
Got amazing Indian food and turns out there is an international group that plays trivia here every week on Wednesday. So we then played trivia! My group one the first round on baby animals. 
There we are team MJ2. Then we lost the next rounds but we stayed for hours and it was so much fun. Then even sang to me. In English, then chinese, German, french, Japanese, Italian and Spanish. 
After we wanted manual tart but it was closed. So we went to our .30 ice cream place but it had the dirt down. I stuck my head in there and started calling for Sean the owner. He came! Opened shop and turned the ice cream on! What a day! So much fun! I love my girls here for making it the best! 

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