Monday, February 18, 2019

The Shower

Yo. So. Let’s talk. Right now I’m laying in a bed which is covered in stains, the pillow feels as though- I can’t even begin to describe it because to even call it a pillow is offensive, the blanket... well do you think it was ever washed? The headboard is scattered in what could be mold or other fluids, mosquitos swarm above my head, Cock roaches crawl in my bathroom and my shower spewed forth a thick black sludge... WHILE I was in it.

Want to know what I’m doing... laughing. Because you can’t make stuff like this up. I’m grateful there is spotty WiFi and I’m grateful there is AC. Sometimes things suck but it’s way worse for a lot of people. I’m positive that what I’m going to walk Into tomorrow at the camps will make this feel like luxury. Keeping perspective is so important and while I can’t wait to go home to my down feathered, memory foam, temperature controlled, Egyptian cotton lined bed, for now, I’m grateful for what I do have.

But please pray I don’t get malaria and bed bugs. ;)

The shower though.... guys. It’s hot and humid. Y’all we are basically sweaty messes and we’re so happy to come back and shower. I got up here and hopped in right away. This is one of those high class showers where the shower head is just coming out of the wall in the one room bathroom so you shower yourself and wash the bathroom at the same time... yeah.

There are five handles and I can’t figure out which are which and my roommate hasn’t come up yet. So I keep yelling for Chante wondering where she is as I’m dashing in and out of the cold water. I finally soap up my hair and prepare to face the cold when.... it just stops. All the water disappears. Odd I think to myself so I back up and what a blessing because black thick chunky slime begins to spew forth. I jump out of the way as quickly as possible and finally hear chante. I’m shrieking for her to come out and apparently she’s in the hall yelling bc she’s locked out but also has two men trying to deliver some fruit. Black sludge spewing forth, a towel that should be a hand towel trying to cover me, I run to the door and let her in while hiding from the men. We get them into our bathroom and I run to Wendy’s room down the way trying to explain the situation.

Well long story short I’m not using that shower and am stuck in Wendy’s room in a little towel with shampoo hair. 😂

I die.

update: bucket showered the shampoo out of my hair.
Cockroaches came out at night.
Stories for days. Still loving it all.

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