Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A Decade of Living

A decade. Ten years. Ten years doesn't seem like that long until you realize that you will be lucky to get 9 of those in your life. It seems like even longer when you realize you are a third way through it. This is my third decade and probably the one that has impacted me the most. The last years have been like a lot of peoples: full of ups, downs, happy, sad, fun, boring... basically, life.
I do feel for posterity sake and reflecting it is important to reminisce and since aside from travel blogging I rarely keep a journal I shall take a moment to reflect back on the decade here.
The highlights:
- Got married, the first time.
- Changed schools three times, as it was the height of the teaching freezes and years of pink slips.
- Taught over 300 kids.
- Moved 11 times.
- Got divorced.
- Quit work.
- Lived in Fiji, Lithuania, and China while volunteering.
- Traveled to Fiji, Denmark, Lithuania x2, Latvia, Norway, Sweden,  Finland, Estonia, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, Mexico, France, , Austria, Hungary, Poland, England, Netherlands, China, Turkey, Switzerland x2, Costa Rica, Uganda, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Nepal, Portugal, Spain, Qatar, Bangladesh, Ireland, Northern Ireland
- Completed humanitarian missions in: Fiji, Uganda, Nepal, Mexico and Bangladesh
- Started Global Read Aloud
- Started No Fluff Teaching Stuff
- Got Engaged
- Got Married
- Lost a Grandma
- Mom diagnosed with cancer
- Mom in remission
- 2 nephews born
- visited a dozen national parks
- lost 2 dogs
- gained 2 dogs
- spoke at a tech conference
- logged over 100 hours feeding baby squirrels, opossums, and birds
- harvested honey
-closed my photography business
-served in dozens of committees at work

Ten years is a lot. I'm sure I have not touched the surface but these are the big things coming to mind at the moment. 

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