Saturday, May 9, 2015

Obsessed. Food Edition.

Really. I'm kind of obsessed with food. Okay, majorly obsessed. While I'm a go green eat from the Earth, anti-packaging, non meat eating, stay away from processed, don't waste person I also know good food. Good crap food. Good real food. Just good food! 
So the problem is that I keep living like I am on vacation and I just haaaave to try everything because what if it I don't come back or never see it again. But the fact is that I am not on vacation, I live here! Anyway I've accepted that I have a deep love for food and I'm going to enjoy it. I will also enjoy the exercise that is in place every day to combat my obsession. Moderation is key. 
So. Tonight Mikelle and I once again had a total freak out as we discovered Exit 7 of xinjiekou. This place has 24 exits but exit 7 might just be my favorite. We literally didn't know what to do with ourselves as we walked up to an 11 story mall and passed gelato, Belgium wall fes, crépes, and so much more. It was pure bliss. There are some things in life that throw me into pure joy. One of which is good food and grocery stores. This exit 7 had both. 
Taking this picture was really scary. This is 11 floors up and I had to get next to the glass rail. Didn't know I had such a fear of heights. 
This was like the Rodeo Drive of China. Prada, Gucci, etc etc. 
Let's get back to the food. I decide upon the chocolate banana crepe. Seeing the mass crowds decend upon this place as well as the engorged crépes I knew I had to divulge. A mere $3.70 later I had this:
Banana, chocolate, cream, chocolate ice cream, banana ice cream all rolled into one hot delicious crepe.
Oh it was good. 
So good. 
It goes in my top ten China foods that's for sure. Funny how none of my top ten China foods include Chinese food. 😂
Mikelle got this gelato. She's obsessed with gelato. 
This candy bar by the way is delicious.
I got a hair cut and bangs. Yeah a cute Asian in a bow tie cut it.
He didn't speak English. 
Have you ever tried to get a hair cut by using only hand gestures?
It's not for the faint of heart. 
This is what my morning walks around the school look like. I go walk alone and listen to podcasts. I learn all about cool things like blood types, probiotics, going green, the Berlin Wall, etc. 
This is the craziest plant in have ever eaten. Look at it closely it's covered in little water droplet crystal things. There is no way to describe the texture of this plant. By far the weirdest mouth feel I've ever had. 
Still loving China, and it's food. 

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