Sunday, May 31, 2015

Suzhou, The Venice of China

I've been wanting to go to Suzhou for a long time now. We even had tickets one weekend but had to cancel because half the girls could not come. Anyway the wait was worth it. Oh how I wish we had come earlier so that we could have had time to come back. I'm in love with suzhou. 
This is one of those times in the past 13 months when I regret not bringing my real camera. I regret it so much because this phone can't even being to capture what I saw this weekend. It also stinks that when they replaced my camera I swear they put an old camera on. I compared my phone to Hannah's phone and my phones color was terrible. Sad day. 
So Suzhou. It's known as the Venice of the East as it is a town built all on canals. Now it doesn't even compare to real Venice but it is incredibly beautiful. 
Doesn't that look like a fake background?  Once we arrived we were pleased to see that our hostel was right there on the main part. Our hostel was disgusting though. I never thought I would wish for a squatter BUT oh how I did. The bathrooms at this place were nasty and always wet because the shower head was in there. Just gross. And the bed was oh so hard. I'm so excited for real beds when I get back to America and bathrooms that don't cause the gaga reflex. 
But this hostel had a cute decor and great location. So we spent the net two days exploring and walking. Walking up and down amazingly adorable streets, taking a boat tour through the canals, trying lots of different breads and seeing local life. 
Fun lite shopping street. 
So many people. Every once in awhile like yesterday I go into a panic bc there are too many people and too little space. I just need to escape and get a place to breathe. Especially when they are all pushing you, walking while playing on their phones, and when dead animals and rotting ish are on the sides of the road. 
Or how about when there is a man, sometimes with no shirt because it is too hot, cutting open eels that are also swimming in a bucket infront of him. 
There are some things in life you don't want to see so naturally I take a picture and share with you. 
Lots of men just take their shirts off. The jess is getting bad. 
Suzhou is also famous for their gardens. The garden we went to was stunning. The architecture and lush plant life were beautiful. 
Mikelle was excited to be there. So glad I became China besties with this girl. She's the bomb. 
Then we went on this boat ride and just loved the canals. Seeing the simplistic way these people lived reminded me again of how blessed we are and how we have WAY too much. 
It's really pretty at night too with all the lights. 
Look how many people! Seriously! So. Many. People. I had another get me the Hell out of China moment while walking down these streets. 
Need a scooter? Everyone and their mom has one, even the dogs ride on them. 
The next day we found another street that was even cuter than before. Don't even ask us how many times we had ice cream. It's hot.
We walked where there were no people or tourists which was fun to explore. 
We found a swap meet where you could get your hair cut, but some undies and then even see the dentist. Talk about full service. 
Then this ancient wall. Pretty sweet. Felt like we were in ruins. 
More amazing streets. 
This is what a train station looks like. I'm glad I'm not traveling China alone. I can't imagine only coming here for a week as a tourist. That would be scary. Currently I am on a three hour train with my feet in green beans and tofu staring at the bathroom that is clogged while men hawk luggies. I don't know how to spell either of those words. Basically you should pay the extra $10 for a train that takes an hour and has nice seats. Would have been worth it. This however might be my last train ever. Smiles. Happy dance. 30 days people, 30 days. I can't wait to be home with my animals and of course family and friends. And hot water and beds and clothing and make up and food and ahhhhhhhhh. 
Until then? Hungry? Want some fish? 

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