Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Well, I'm at the airport again, imagine that. This is the last time though for awhile because school starts on the 17th. I'm still having a hard time transitioning back and wish I was getting on a plane and leaving again for a long time. I may have a slight travel addiction.
So anyway I'm headed to Utah to see my best friend Michelle who had a baby girl while I was in China. Gretchen is now 6 months old so I need to hurry and get there to meet this cute child! 
This baby is so cute! She is adorable and so beautiful! She's happy and laughs all the time. Being able to meet her and spend time with her was great!
Seeing Michelle was great too beacuse it has been a year! While there we got to see the hot air balloons launch in Sandy Ut. We tried to see them Friday, woke up at 6 and then couldn't go because the weather was so bad they weren't launching. But we ended up being able to go on Saturday morning. It was so neat to watch them take off at sunrise.
I got some great photos on my phone.
That night we tried to go back to the baloon glow. They were supposed to be set up all over the lawn with food and entertainment. Well there were 3 food trucks and only 1 balloon, again beacuse of the weather.
We got to have an outdoor movie and fire which was so fun! The first night we tried to have it a massive storm blew in almost instantaneously so it was canceled but lucky for us we were able to do it Monday night. 
I also got to take their pictures on Monday and Gretchen's six month photos but we had Horrible lighting so it was a struggle and took so long. I'm hoping we got some cute ones! I'm excited to get home and load them to my computer. 
We also had a picnic. This is Andrea, Michelle's sister who also went to ecuador with us and Marion who is from France and was one of the kids Andrea nannied when she lived there. 
I live Andrea. She went to ecuador, then lived in France for a year as a nanny and then did a semester at sea. She travels and she gets it. She gets that life isn't the same after travel. That there is always a constant desire to keep going, a weight on your shoulders thaT where you are isn't enough and that there is something bigger you should be doing. It's something I have been struggling with since coming home. 
On Sunday I got to see Paige and Mikele from Lithuania! It was so nice to see them and catch up with them. We walked around Capitol Hill and explored the area while talking about life and sharing memories. 
Now it's time to hurry home because school starts Monday and I've only been in my classroom for a few hours. That's a problem when you got moved classrooms and have been gone for a year. 😱

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