Sunday, March 15, 2015


Remember how we found ikea in Lithuania and it reminded us of home? Guess where we went today? 
And it made me just as happy and just as excited. First stop? Ice cream of course. And when we found out it was 1 yuan... Aka 15 cents you know we double fisted that. 
And the best part? Putting the coins in the machine to fill your own cone!
Except after filling my first cone I was so excited that I put a tad too much pressure on the second cone and it shattered in my hand. This meant I had to suck the ice cream out of the original cone and then refill it. Fun. Then began the walk through ikea. What was different? The kitchen spaces were tiny TINY and the mock apartments were also super small. Other than that it was good ol ikea. After walking through the showroom it was time for the cafe. Mikelle of course was freakinv out because the whole reason she wanted to come was for the meatballs. The other girls got spaghetti. There were SO many people finding seating was impossible. Therefore we improvised.
Table for 6 Americans? ✔️ I had a roll. And my carrots from my purse.
Speaking of which I've done two full weeks now of our exercise regime. Cierra, kenz and i interval run every morning. Then we come back and on MwF we do a strength training with Ligga. Yes, Ligga is a girls name. Her real name is Melissa. Anyway I started cooking for myself again, all meals and am back up to 5+ servings of veggies each day and am feeling great again! 👊 take that China. 
Okay so after eating it was time to go to the warehouse, oh how I love the warehouse! I'll blame my mom for te fact that I love the napkins and have an urge to buy them in every color every time. 
I got Tupperware! I love Tupperware so much. I know that's weird but it's bc I love grocery shopping and food prep. I love opening my fridge to have all the food sorted and organized in Tupperware. Amazing. It's also great for the environment so stop using plastic bags! 
IKEA was a success! WOOHOO!
What else is new?
The other day we went to find blossoms at a lake. Except the lake was surrounded by a wall and you had to pay to get in, and there were no blossoms. 
However we did find the coolest open food market! A big one! Finally! Too bad it's like 18 metro stops away! 
But we got delicious breads for 1 yuan. I loved this place, just wish it was closer. 
On our way out of the school I saw this: 
Reminded me of my dad. Could totally see him selling cotton candy to kids in China lol. Although his would be pink. 
That's about it. Right now I'm on our 23 stop ride to church. The metro is getting a little old lately but at least it is clean. 
Until next time....
Oh! I don't know if I posted but we got permission to paint the walls in the school and we are going to do murals. Here is the one I did in our office:
Double oh! I forgot! This week we started kung fu/ tai chi classes and calligraphy classes! Next week we strt mandarin classes! I also got to teach a few classes this week for sick people and to demo for others.

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