Friday, November 25, 2016

Day 6: Eyes & Surgery

This morning we awoke and headed back to Child of Hope to screen all of the kids. We eye tested a few hundred and then helped the Dr. with his eye camp.

We then went to the hospital. We toured and ....
It was a lot to handle. Actually it was like what you would see in a horror movie or a war hospital. Old furniture, rocks used to prop up and elevate beds, rusty items and people everywhere. There are very few beds so people bring their own mats in and lay all over the floor. They are also outside the doors, on the sidewalks and pathways. When people come they also have to bring people to take care of them since all they will get is the medical care and no food, etc.
In the maternity ward people are having kids on the floor and then moving to the floor in another room.
We obviously were not walking around taking pictures but I did sneak one:

This is the pediatrics center.
We then got to suit up and watch cataracts surgeries! Say what?! Watch a surgery in Africa. Okay, and no, I did not faint.

Although, I did have to step away a few times. When the lens popped out of the eye. That was it. No more.

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