Sunday, November 27, 2016

Day 8: Rafting the Nile

Today we white water rafted the Nile River. Add that to the reverse bucket list.
We woke up at 5am and headed to Jinja. Here we ate breakfast and watched some of the men bungee jump. Then we got in another van and drove an hour. Upon arrival we were fitted with helmets and life jackets. At this point I was mildly panicking. The idea of being stuck under a boat or in the washing machine status of the rapid that terrified me.
We got onto the quiet part of the Nile and began to practice. Then came the part where we had to flip the raft. Well, the raft whacked me in the face. That hurt. Like a lot.
A lot, a lot.
Now came the time for the first rapid.
It was frightening.
It was also over so quickly.
I guess I was expecting it to be rapids for a long time but it was rapids for about 5 seconds.
By the third set of rapids I was really excited to do them. Still so scared to fall out but excited. I was in the mild boat that took the chicken lines. Our one request was that we didn't flip the boat and we didn't woohoo! The whole ride and no boat flip!

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