Thursday, April 13, 2017

Tonsai Bay

This is our cute little hut on the beautiful Tonsai Bay. We are set amongst limestone cliffs and incredibly lush jungles.

Our view from breakfast this morning was incredible.

Pictures don't do justice.

We sat and ate watching the incredible views and then headed around the cove to Railay beach arguably one of the best beaches in Thailand. Though I'm on the Pha Nang team. As we walked we realized the tide wasn't as low as we thought so we had to do a Little Rock climbing to get there.

Oh and let's not forget that our resort is full of monkeys.

So we make it through and it opens up to an insane beach and there is no one there.

We were surrounded on both sides by these limestone cliffs.

We then went kayaking which was hilarious trying to get the three of us to paddle together. But there were caves which were amazing! When we made the bend to pha nang beach... wowza! So beautiful!

Also the views on the kayak!

And where were we kayaking to? A penis cave, and yes we found it.

This doesn't show much but...

So that's in the top ten weirdest things I've ever seen. Okay so let's continue. The water here was so warm and nice and then we had to try and kayak back at this point our arms are killin. Oh and... um kayak=Hell sunburn and hilarious feet burns.

Mikelle is suffering from really bad heat rash and swollen legs and feet it's terrible!

After the kayak we went to the beach, drank coconuts and played in the sand. Then we ate Thai food on the beach with views. Finally we hiked back through the rocks.
also check out the dinner views:

read more "Tonsai Bay"

Songkran Water Festival

Today we woke up and headed into town on a long boat to do the Tiger Cave Temple.

i knew we were going to have to hike 1267 steps but I didn't factor in that the steps were going to be 18 inches high and STRAIGHT up!

It was also 80+ degrees and 90% humidity. It was very, very hard. I've never sweat that much, ever. Drenched.

Not happy going up. Coming down was also very hard bc our legs were shaking so much it was hard to step. But the view from the top:

Those mountains!

And a giant gold buddha

So then our taxi took us back. And the Sangkran water festival began! This is one of the best travel memories and one of my favorite things I've done because it was pure play! The entire country has MASSIVE water fight. We bought supersoakers and joined in the fun!

We then proceeded to go around town and battle. People also had wet chalk they would rub all over you and your face.

People filled their truck beds with huge tanks of water. There were refill stations all over. People with hoses and buckets.

Everyone was playing.

We had SO much fun!

read more "Songkran Water Festival"

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

THE Story, Thailand Edition

Every trip has a story, a Hell story. This was ours.
One. We bought our ferry ticket from a man who ripped us off. We get on the ferry from Phi Phi to Krabi and it's not nice. The seats are so close togetherness we need to sit slightly sideways. Then Anna has a cockroach coming out of the lifejacket in front of her. Then one at our feet. Ok, fine.
We get to Krabi. Now we are supposed to take a long boat to Tonsai Bay. But... there are no long boats.
Two. We are at the wrong port! So now we are bombarded by the taxi men who of course know we are in the wrong spot and are trying to take advantage of the sitch. I bargain, we take a 30 min taxi ride to the port we are supposed to be at. Head to the longboat ticket office since we had the wrong ferry ticket and our boat wasn't included in the price. This is when we realize we aren't at the ferry port but just some longboat port in town.
The prices go up after 6. It's 6:07. The man then says we have to wait for 8 people.
The clouds are rolling in. It's actually kind of cold. We are lost and cranky, it's getting dark.
15 min later 2 people come. We all start to realize that we aren't getting to 8 people. Then the man realizes it too and charges us more.
Three. The boat. He takes off towards the ocean and leaves us to drag our suitcases. It becomes apparent very fast that the boat isn't coming in... we are going to the boat. Mind you this is the first time we aren't in our bathing suits. Dresses. Underwear. Clothing. AND luggage. Hmmm... so we pick up our suitcases over our heads and head into the not calm but stormy water. Instantly the wave goes right up the dress but one can't react or the suitcase is going in the ocean.
Then the man takes his sweet time to get the ladder. Meanwhile the arms are shaking, the ocean is lapping at my dress and I don't know wether to laugh or cry.
In the boat.
We start going.
Then we start going towards a random wall.

It's getting dark and we can see another boat in the sketchy dark with a man. He pulls up and we are going uhhhh. I start to think about precautions- ok I've got bug spray, I can use it like mace. They keep talking. The man gets in our boat.
ok, he's just picking up a friend.
We get to Railay beach where the other two people were going and the man tells us to get out. OH NO. We are going to Tonsai beach- apparently he didn't hear that.
Three. Getting to Tonsai beach.
He then loads our boat over filled with people going back to where we came from. Every person who got in soaked us and our luggage even more. We finally start moving. It's now completely black and the man has his flashlight out directing the boat. We are headed to light but not near it. It once again becomes apparent that he's not going to dock for us. Out into the ocean again, luggage over our heads, though this time it's totally dark and we have no idea where we are going. We make it out of the water and now are on the low tide mud. Laughing to keep from crying. Suitcases still being held.
We see a light and head towards it.

We start asking where this hotel is and afternwalking the wrong direction learn that we have to go back to the beach and down all the way to the other side.
step 4: cross the beach
Remember it's black. It's also low tide and who knows what we are walking on. Pick up the suitcases again. Cursing, laughing, tears.

This is us walking across the sand in the dark all the way to the other side of this beach island.

We were so done. So over it. Finally we see a light. It's our resort.
Sweating, covered in big bites, mud, dripping sea water, we roll into the front of this resort.
We made it. The elephants were here to greet us.

read more "THE Story, Thailand Edition"

Phi Phi Day 2

Last night when we went to bed at 7:30 I don't think we understood what they meant by the party side of the island. It was pretty much like being in a concert until 2am. The music was insane! Then at 5:30am a crazybthundersyorm rolled in. The thunder had me flying out of bed. Downpour. Lightening. It was like the storm I experienced in Costa Rica in the rainforest. We had tickets for a boat tour at 6am and didn't know what to do. Luckily the thunderstorm stopped and it was just drizzling so we headed to the meeting point.

Up first: Maya Bay. When we first got here there were not many people at all. White sands and blue green waters set admits cliffs of black and green.

So beautiful. Then the people started to come and the rains. As you can see in my portrait two above we got some heavy rain.

Omg the boat we are on had cockroaches and there is one under my seat. Vomit.
so anyway this morning was ironic bc it was cold. Yesterday was so hot with hot water and low tide. Today was overcast with rain, deep water, and cold ocean. By cold I mean not really cold. Anyway it was actually amazing. We were living life. And the rest of the day after the rain was nice! Ok so then we head to this cove to snorkel.

Wowza. Lots of colorful fish.

Then there was this monkey stop which of course I have an ethical problem with. Better hope that the tours never stop coming or these human dependent monkeys they created will have some trouble. But they had baby monkeys, lots of them.

And luckily the humans stayed in the boats- away, so there was no abuse or chains or stupid photos of monkeys on your head. And yeah, if you have any of those photos or one petting a tiger, I'm judging you, big time. You should also go read up on those types of photos and places and then never do that again.
Once we got back we ate more delicious Thai food and then got massages. $9 an hour, count me in. So relaxing.
Mango smoothies laced with coconut milk to finish off our time at Phi Phi and we're off to Krabi.

read more "Phi Phi Day 2"

Monday, April 10, 2017

Phi Phi Island

pee pee island, yes, that's how you say it. It's beautiful. So this morning after awakening we decided to akip
Phuket since we had all our luggage and head straight to Phi Phi. We took a ferry over to the island and started with the beautiful view above. We then walked to our hotel, bungalows atop a hill:

And then let the exploration begin. Number 1: food. Dude, Thai food is one of my favorites and it's obviously so good here! We all got a different type of curry and YUM! I also had mango sticky rice for the first time... where has that been all my life?!
The tide was out, like way out:

You could walk for days and never get past knee deep.
Everyone here is the color purple. The sunburns are insane.
Don't worry mom we apply every few hours. Ive seen more sunburns here though that anywhere and lots of blistered ones. Probably bc we're sitting at the equator.

They have great fruit juice btw. Oh the curls I'm rockin... want to talk about the humidity?
ive been all over the world and there is only one place that trumps this and that's the Amazon Rainforest a place my father and I said we would never go back to. Yeah, it's hot here. About 90 with 90% humidity, but in the shade it's bearable. At night it is also bearable. Plus, out room has AC so sleep will be great. It's 7 but we are in bed. Jet lag is a thing.
on our walk back this was the view:

It is so pretty. I heard so many negative things about the phi phi island and I'm not sure why.

Oh we should also talk about who is involved in the collective 'we' this trip.
There is myself, Mikelle, and Anna. I lived with a Mikelle in china and also did Yellowstone with her last year. Anna I met at church- she's one of those girls you just instantly love.
Ok for now one more picture and then bed:

read more "Phi Phi Island"

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Thailand: Getting There

Remember my last trip when I lost my wallet on the way to Uganda? Well... let's get started on how I got to Thailand. 😂
I wake up at 6:30 like clockwork. I planned to leave the house at 10 but I got a text from Mikelle saying she had already landed at 7. So I planned to go early and hang out with her. That didn't work so well due to all roommates having to share one shower this week. Anyway I walk to the garage to switch cards with Jared (tandem parking) and then I come back up the stairs, twist the door knob. No. No way. It's ok, Connor is inside.
knock a little more frantically.
Ut oh...maybe he's in the shower. I head downstairs and start ringing the buzzer. Run back upstairs, knocking again. Back down to the buzzer.
What do I do? My phone and everything is inside. I start knocking on neighbors doors, maybe someone can call management.
No one would answer. Went to the third floor. No answers- even though I could hear the tvs on.
Back downstairs knocking again.
Finnally one lady opens her door.
I explain my situation.
We call management.
No answer.
My brain is starting to panic, I now know why it's important to memorize phone numbers.
I remember that one of my roommates works at Macy's.
Down the stairwell- luckily I have my car key. The garage is locked.
back up the stairwell.
Annoy the neighbor again. Borrow keys.
Back down the stairwell and to Macy's.
Macys isn't open yet it's their grand opening.
I knock on the door and get someone to open it.
Does a Jeff work here?
last name?
geeze I don't know.
I explain my situation. A store manager walks by.
She knows Jeff.
A few min later he appears and I grab his keys and race home.
Back to the neighbor to return her keys and then ask her to hold my roommates keys.
Uber. Asap.
Weird stories. Really weird stories. Uncomfortably weird stories involving politics and religion.
China! - we have a layover in Shanghai and let me tell you I might be more excited for that. I wish it was longer so we could leave but I miss China so much. I need To go back and today confirmed that desire.
For now: Thailand!
Now we are chilling waiting for the plane!

On the plane. I realize it's a 14 hour flight... and we are middle middle seats; however, we get to sit by each other!
Mikelle has been asleep for 4 hours. I ate her lunch. There a thing: I actually like plane food.
So far I've watched:
fast and furious 7
mow something about the oil rig explosion.
not sure why you would want to know all this but blogging is a way for me to remember my trips and also a way to kill some time.
The keys are hard on the phone which is why there are some major spelling and capitalization issues- just go with it.
Landed in Shanghai!

ate steamed buns.
Found Anna.
Tried to sleep on metal bench. Loud. Cold.
Get on bus. Board plane #2.
No idea time or day. Though I know that right now it's 12pm on Sunday. It's been a full 24 hours.
Once we got on the flight they made an announcement that planes were not to fly due to air traffic control for 2 hours. At this point my crankiness level is through the roof. Through. The. Roof.
I take a melatonin and pray.
Im able to fall asleep half in mikelles lap on her tray table and then the girl in the window seat moves to first class and steals a seat... fine by me, window it is!
I was able to sleep for 3 broken hours which is a huge blessing.
Poor Anna.
This is her first time out of the country.
We should arrive to Thailand at 3:30am Thai time.

It's 4am and we are here! Our hotel is really nice and cute. All is well! Woohoo!
PS: it's hot. Probably the most humid plave I've ever experienced.

read more "Thailand: Getting There"