Monday, April 10, 2017

Phi Phi Island

pee pee island, yes, that's how you say it. It's beautiful. So this morning after awakening we decided to akip
Phuket since we had all our luggage and head straight to Phi Phi. We took a ferry over to the island and started with the beautiful view above. We then walked to our hotel, bungalows atop a hill:

And then let the exploration begin. Number 1: food. Dude, Thai food is one of my favorites and it's obviously so good here! We all got a different type of curry and YUM! I also had mango sticky rice for the first time... where has that been all my life?!
The tide was out, like way out:

You could walk for days and never get past knee deep.
Everyone here is the color purple. The sunburns are insane.
Don't worry mom we apply every few hours. Ive seen more sunburns here though that anywhere and lots of blistered ones. Probably bc we're sitting at the equator.

They have great fruit juice btw. Oh the curls I'm rockin... want to talk about the humidity?
ive been all over the world and there is only one place that trumps this and that's the Amazon Rainforest a place my father and I said we would never go back to. Yeah, it's hot here. About 90 with 90% humidity, but in the shade it's bearable. At night it is also bearable. Plus, out room has AC so sleep will be great. It's 7 but we are in bed. Jet lag is a thing.
on our walk back this was the view:

It is so pretty. I heard so many negative things about the phi phi island and I'm not sure why.

Oh we should also talk about who is involved in the collective 'we' this trip.
There is myself, Mikelle, and Anna. I lived with a Mikelle in china and also did Yellowstone with her last year. Anna I met at church- she's one of those girls you just instantly love.
Ok for now one more picture and then bed:

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