Saturday, April 8, 2017

Thailand: Getting There

Remember my last trip when I lost my wallet on the way to Uganda? Well... let's get started on how I got to Thailand. 😂
I wake up at 6:30 like clockwork. I planned to leave the house at 10 but I got a text from Mikelle saying she had already landed at 7. So I planned to go early and hang out with her. That didn't work so well due to all roommates having to share one shower this week. Anyway I walk to the garage to switch cards with Jared (tandem parking) and then I come back up the stairs, twist the door knob. No. No way. It's ok, Connor is inside.
knock a little more frantically.
Ut oh...maybe he's in the shower. I head downstairs and start ringing the buzzer. Run back upstairs, knocking again. Back down to the buzzer.
What do I do? My phone and everything is inside. I start knocking on neighbors doors, maybe someone can call management.
No one would answer. Went to the third floor. No answers- even though I could hear the tvs on.
Back downstairs knocking again.
Finnally one lady opens her door.
I explain my situation.
We call management.
No answer.
My brain is starting to panic, I now know why it's important to memorize phone numbers.
I remember that one of my roommates works at Macy's.
Down the stairwell- luckily I have my car key. The garage is locked.
back up the stairwell.
Annoy the neighbor again. Borrow keys.
Back down the stairwell and to Macy's.
Macys isn't open yet it's their grand opening.
I knock on the door and get someone to open it.
Does a Jeff work here?
last name?
geeze I don't know.
I explain my situation. A store manager walks by.
She knows Jeff.
A few min later he appears and I grab his keys and race home.
Back to the neighbor to return her keys and then ask her to hold my roommates keys.
Uber. Asap.
Weird stories. Really weird stories. Uncomfortably weird stories involving politics and religion.
China! - we have a layover in Shanghai and let me tell you I might be more excited for that. I wish it was longer so we could leave but I miss China so much. I need To go back and today confirmed that desire.
For now: Thailand!
Now we are chilling waiting for the plane!

On the plane. I realize it's a 14 hour flight... and we are middle middle seats; however, we get to sit by each other!
Mikelle has been asleep for 4 hours. I ate her lunch. There a thing: I actually like plane food.
So far I've watched:
fast and furious 7
mow something about the oil rig explosion.
not sure why you would want to know all this but blogging is a way for me to remember my trips and also a way to kill some time.
The keys are hard on the phone which is why there are some major spelling and capitalization issues- just go with it.
Landed in Shanghai!

ate steamed buns.
Found Anna.
Tried to sleep on metal bench. Loud. Cold.
Get on bus. Board plane #2.
No idea time or day. Though I know that right now it's 12pm on Sunday. It's been a full 24 hours.
Once we got on the flight they made an announcement that planes were not to fly due to air traffic control for 2 hours. At this point my crankiness level is through the roof. Through. The. Roof.
I take a melatonin and pray.
Im able to fall asleep half in mikelles lap on her tray table and then the girl in the window seat moves to first class and steals a seat... fine by me, window it is!
I was able to sleep for 3 broken hours which is a huge blessing.
Poor Anna.
This is her first time out of the country.
We should arrive to Thailand at 3:30am Thai time.

It's 4am and we are here! Our hotel is really nice and cute. All is well! Woohoo!
PS: it's hot. Probably the most humid plave I've ever experienced.

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