Tuesday, April 11, 2017

THE Story, Thailand Edition

Every trip has a story, a Hell story. This was ours.
One. We bought our ferry ticket from a man who ripped us off. We get on the ferry from Phi Phi to Krabi and it's not nice. The seats are so close togetherness we need to sit slightly sideways. Then Anna has a cockroach coming out of the lifejacket in front of her. Then one at our feet. Ok, fine.
We get to Krabi. Now we are supposed to take a long boat to Tonsai Bay. But... there are no long boats.
Two. We are at the wrong port! So now we are bombarded by the taxi men who of course know we are in the wrong spot and are trying to take advantage of the sitch. I bargain, we take a 30 min taxi ride to the port we are supposed to be at. Head to the longboat ticket office since we had the wrong ferry ticket and our boat wasn't included in the price. This is when we realize we aren't at the ferry port but just some longboat port in town.
The prices go up after 6. It's 6:07. The man then says we have to wait for 8 people.
The clouds are rolling in. It's actually kind of cold. We are lost and cranky, it's getting dark.
15 min later 2 people come. We all start to realize that we aren't getting to 8 people. Then the man realizes it too and charges us more.
Three. The boat. He takes off towards the ocean and leaves us to drag our suitcases. It becomes apparent very fast that the boat isn't coming in... we are going to the boat. Mind you this is the first time we aren't in our bathing suits. Dresses. Underwear. Clothing. AND luggage. Hmmm... so we pick up our suitcases over our heads and head into the not calm but stormy water. Instantly the wave goes right up the dress but one can't react or the suitcase is going in the ocean.
Then the man takes his sweet time to get the ladder. Meanwhile the arms are shaking, the ocean is lapping at my dress and I don't know wether to laugh or cry.
In the boat.
We start going.
Then we start going towards a random wall.

It's getting dark and we can see another boat in the sketchy dark with a man. He pulls up and we are going uhhhh. I start to think about precautions- ok I've got bug spray, I can use it like mace. They keep talking. The man gets in our boat.
ok, he's just picking up a friend.
We get to Railay beach where the other two people were going and the man tells us to get out. OH NO. We are going to Tonsai beach- apparently he didn't hear that.
Three. Getting to Tonsai beach.
He then loads our boat over filled with people going back to where we came from. Every person who got in soaked us and our luggage even more. We finally start moving. It's now completely black and the man has his flashlight out directing the boat. We are headed to light but not near it. It once again becomes apparent that he's not going to dock for us. Out into the ocean again, luggage over our heads, though this time it's totally dark and we have no idea where we are going. We make it out of the water and now are on the low tide mud. Laughing to keep from crying. Suitcases still being held.
We see a light and head towards it.

We start asking where this hotel is and afternwalking the wrong direction learn that we have to go back to the beach and down all the way to the other side.
step 4: cross the beach
Remember it's black. It's also low tide and who knows what we are walking on. Pick up the suitcases again. Cursing, laughing, tears.

This is us walking across the sand in the dark all the way to the other side of this beach island.

We were so done. So over it. Finally we see a light. It's our resort.
Sweating, covered in big bites, mud, dripping sea water, we roll into the front of this resort.
We made it. The elephants were here to greet us.

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