Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Mikelle, Ali, and I headed out on a road trip to see some national parks. It's extra awesome because they happen to be Mikelle's favorite places so she is our tour  guide. 
Stop 1: Idaho Falls, Reed's Dairy
The best ice cream ever. They also make grilled cheese on homemade bread with their cheese and butter.
That stuff was good.
Stop 2: Mesa Falls. Talk about a beautiful place in Idaho!
Idaho is so pretty!
Stop 3: Montana: Hebgen Lake for our campsite and a little swimming!
We camped a little walk from the lake in a cute spot. 
The water was very cold but super clear! I've never seen lakes so clear! 
Every human needs to experience Yellowstone! It's beautiful! If you live in driving distance, no excuses!
How are these colors real?! Isn't this fabulous! And the steam was blue! I was awe struck.
Look at this! The water in the hot pots was crystal clear turquoise blue! It lured you to swim in it but some of them are 209 degrees! 
This place needs to be experienced!
It is so diverse too! This is their Grand Canyon and the water is green! Every turn is a new site! I took my real camera so I can't wait to see those photos later! 
Also I was getting so sad that we weren't seeing busin and then bam one walked right down the road 6 inches from our car! It was so neat! Those pictures are on my nice camera.
I have hundreds of photos! 
Yellowstone lake! 
Problem is I'm sick so my body has been so tired. Everytime I sat in the car I started to doze off. My body just wanted to sleep the whole time. That with the itchy eyes, runny nose, sore throat... A mess. But Yellowstone was worth it. Even if I have to camp two nights and use vault toilets. The camping has actually been super fun! Just hard when you're sick. Mikelle and Ali are awesome they are super prepared and have everything. Also we had Cadbury smores. We don't do that Hershey's crap. 

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