Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Downpour

(A view from how far away and how high up we were.)
Today we wanted to explore Playa Biesanz. We were told how to get there and so we got on the bus and started the journey. We did not know it was going to be a 45 minutes walk down steep hills. Then a dirt path through a hole in the fence. When we came out of the knee breaking journey: 
It was a beautiful little cove. First step: run in and cool off. 
Then we decided to rent a kayak. Hannah gets in and then throws the oar in the water. What the heck? I'm floating around now with an oar- what she then decided to verbalized is that there was a ginormous spider on that oar who was now in the water with me. And I mean BIG. Red. And NASTY. It also could walk on water. Seriously. So Hannah paddles away and I'm left with a man eating red spider and a Baggie with my phone and money, oh and a go pro down the front of my suit. 
What a way to start kayaking. 
Then it gets super wavy and I'm getting motion sick, go figure. We paddle around for a bit and then a huge storm starts to roll in. 
We can hear the thunder and see the ominous clouds blowing in quickly. 
See that dark scariness approaching!? So we head back to shore.
Now, you know that 45 min walk down hill that was steep enough to hurt the knees. We needed to go back up that. I refused. However, there was no one to bum a ride with and trying to save money led us to the decision to walk it. At this point the fierce rain had descended. I'm not joking. This was the most insane blankets of rain I have ever seen. and somehow it continued to get worse as the minutes went on. 
Look at the droplets by Hannah's feet. 
Everyone who went by in car honked and smiled or laughed. Yeah two girls out in the torrential rain storm, walking up steep hills while floods of water poured down those hills. We had to take our shows off a few times so we didn't lose traction. 
Soaking wet. 
At the top of the hill we treated ourselves to falafel. So good. So, so good. 
What an adventure. Not the beach day we had hoped for, but hey it's rainy season after all. 

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