Thursday, August 3, 2017

Abu Dhabi

County 34: United Arab Emirates

Today I survived my longest flight to date. 17 hours plus we had an hour on the tarmac bc someone missed the flight so they had to go into the belly of the beast to find and offload her luggage. But we are about to land in Abu Dhabi. I was super stressed and uneasy about it all day but not I'm kind of excited and wish I had more time here. Though, it's currently 42 degrees celcius- that's somewhere way over 100.
I rarely feel like the minority in life but I'm currently the only white person on this flight. I'm sure there is a way I could say that more politically correct but it's just how it is and being the minority is uncomfortable especially when everyone is speaking a different language, dressed different and the culture and customs are something you know nothing about.
I really want to go see the Grand Mosque it's one of the biggest in the world and houses the world's largest carpet. Really though it's an architectural dream. Stunning. Problem is it isn't open to tourists on Friday. Every other day of the week they have free tours but Friday it is closed for worship. Problem- Friday is the only day I'm going to be here.... I could run off this flight high tail it through customs and go straight there tonight before it closes at 10 but the plane doesn't land until 8:30... not sure that is even possible or worth the crazy cab fair or my safety, but I really want to see it! The dilemma. This is when I wish I had a travel partner. Takin the solo white young female out of the equation would make decisions easier at times.
Everytime I get on one of these flights I tell myself I'm not going to do the crazy long one again but hen enough time passes that I forget and just the joy of travel remains. I think maybe it's like child birth you forget so that you do it again. I'm glad I have a day and a hotel before my next flight to Kathmandu! Gives a nice break.

I didn't make it to the mosque. No time. Also coming to a country you know nothing about, even if you are well traveled, is still scary. I took the cab by myself and then got to this awesome hotel. The room is really nice and I've got a bed and air conditioning! It's 4am and I'm just waiting for the sun to come up so I can walk to the beach. I feel much better today and wish I was staying for a few days! I guess I'll just have to come back. My return flight also stops here but sadly just from 1am-8am so no time to party. Anyway we shall see what today holds as soon as the sun makes an appearance.

So on Fridays things are closed and other things don't open until 10am. Sadly, I've really messed up my stopover in Abu Dhabi but I'm learning from it and if it ever happens again I'll know. Plus if you ever come to Abu Dhabi then I'll be able to tell you.
I headed to Yas beach. A private beach out here and I was able to get in through my hotel.

Guys, it's hot. I can't even describe it hot. Like we have 110 at home but that's nothing on this 110. I couldn't even keep my eyeballs open. After a swim and short trip I had to go back to the hotel because I was dying.

The water was really pretty but also very warm. On my way back I'm pretty sure I messed myself up or got heat sick. Yeah probably that from a lack of eating, drinking and sleeping. But man I still feel really horrible- nauseous, eyes burning, just done. But the beach spot was relax and pretty. Now I'm in air conditioning waiting to get on another flight. I might get in trouble. Everyone had to put their stuff in the actual: this is the size your carry on has to be box. You know the boxes that are never used bc people's carry ons are always way larger. Well I'm standing in this huge line of people trying to shove their carry ons in and they don't fit and one of the flight men makes eye contact with me and just waves me through. My carry on is small but it's not think enough to fit in there- I also had a backpack and purse.... well now that I'm in the airport no one has big carry ons and no one has two... so... either imma be in big trouble or I've been saved. Joke is going to be on me when it doesn't fit in the overhead bin. 😂
The real dilemma here is do I eat and risk puking or not eat and risk no food on the plane.
Also, I ramble. Mostly because when I write these, I'm bored. Sorry.

And lastly look how cool this is in the airport celiling.

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