Saturday, August 5, 2017

Nepal. The Beginnings.

I'm not going to lie when I got here I was in such a bad mood. Now remember that the day before I was in Abu Dhabi- super nice airport, amazing hotel, air, hot water, posh baby posh. When I stepped off the plane in Kathmandu... the humidity slapped me hard- then had to board a bus and be packed like sardines to enter the most basic airport where I was put in the wrong line multiple times and then had to wait in a huge line to put my luggage through a X-ray... to leave the airport....
Also, that was the world's longest run on sentence. Anyway I get to my hotel which is not nice at all, even though I paid double other hotel and hostel prices, to find a huge harry spider on the wall, a shared bathroom with a nasty stink and a room hotter than ... yeah. I was mad. Mostly because I was tired and hormonal but I was not a happy camper.
I'm not sure why. I've been in this type of situation countless times all over the world. And I know I should be happy that I have the opportunity to be half way across the world experiencing a place many won't ever get to. But sometimes we're just unhappy. But I'll work on that attitude! It's also important to know and recognize that travel isn't all fun and games 24-7 and that it's ok to not like a place.
You know the stark contrast between countries is also shocking. How can there be such diversity? Such completely and totally different ways of living? I think we forget sometimes theassive differences between countries, cultures, regions, people. It's mind boggling to think we all live on the same planet but are so incredibly different and in such different places monetarily.
Can't help but think what if I was born somewhere like his? Or Abu Dhabi how different would life be.
Anyway after somewhat sleeping I had a much better attitude. Started the morning with breakfast on the roof.

Then Shelby, who is here early with the program, and our other bunkmate and I headed to a walking tour. It ended up just being the 3 of us and it was great! Shiva took us all over the city and gave us so much information.

Nepal is like many other third world countries. They all have a lot of similarities.

For example the power lines, no traffic laws, tons of scooters, produce and food being sold all over, shantily built places being held up by beams...

Clever ways of selling things. Also, so much religion and culture.

Prayer wheels.

This was Shiva our tour guide. He was amazing. I booked him to take me all ove tomorrow too because for $10 why wouldn't you aquire a private guide.
Oh man, the food here is delicious! We had momo for lunch- veggie dumplings- so delicious. And the grand total: $1.70

I went back to the same place for dinner. $1.90 got me thampku or something like that.

Saw Garden of Dream: a pretty garden to walk around and explore.

Went to monkey temple which was amazing bc there were baby monkeys everywhere! There was this pool and the monkeys would climb to the top and cannon ball in. It was hilarious to watch! Apparently they were as hot and nasty as we were.

Overall, it was a good day. I should write more but I'm so tired. It's 7 and I'm turning in.

Also, just don't judge these outfits I've got going on the next few weeks.

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