Saturday, August 19, 2017

Days for Girls

On Saturday we were able to go to Days for Girls.

Here are some notes I took as Maya was telling us about the organization:10,000 a year trafficked from Nepal to India because they like the lighter skin- taking for sex and for organs - found girls who were skinned and killed for skin graphs on other people to lighten their skin
Menstruation is taboo so no one talks about it you're considered dirty put into cow shed or away from everyone even in city must stay in another room cannot go into the kitchen or any other part of the house - can't touch anything one girl was put into the shed and bitten by a snake and died
Can't afford pads so
They use old clothes and tie it around- some tribes would use grass- spreading disease and giving them bugs
They keep the pads cut into squares so they don't look like pads when they are drying them. Girls are made to feel like they are dirty or cursed for menstrating. After talking with Maya we learned about days for girls and the work they do. They make reusable menstraul pads and then distribute kits and educate girls in classes at schools etc. we were able to help cut and fold up pads that were assembled into kits. I've seen this program in action in Uganda and it's incredible. I think I'm going to organize my friends into a sewing group once a month so that we can keep helping at home. It's so frustrating and sad the way menstraution is treated and how girls are treated.

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