Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Lithuanian Christmas

We decided that on Saturday we would have a Christmas party before our trip to see the Nutcracker.
Thus began preparations.
We would recreate our Thanksgiving feast just in more massive proportions so that it could feed us until we go home. next week!

Two turkeys were ordered, two huge bags of potatoes mashed, pounds and pounds of sweet potatoes cut, pies prepared, and so on and so on.
Saturday morning we got up to finish cleaning and decorating.
Set the table with what little I had to work with. We put finishing touches on food. Which by the way I made a lemon curd, which I thought rocked. I love that stuff.

Anyway Dima and his family came over around 1 and we spent the afternoon feasting, playing games, and chit chatting in what was our last outing together.

We then hoped aboard the bus and headed to the ballet.
We had pretty rockin seats, in row 6 and seeing a Lithuanian ballet was beautiful.
The selfie stick makes groupies much easier. 

Made me want to get to work on my body as soon as I... get home lol.
But really, the warm weather, house, and ability to move around will assist in my workout regimen. The dancer's arms though, those will always be an envy of mine. They were prefect.

So as we are sitting there during the ballet I realize that Rosie and I never took our apple pie out of the oven.... which has now been cooking for 3 hours! Dima and Rosie had to run back to the house and remove it before... who knows what could have happen. I felt terrible that they had to miss the last part of the ballet but thank goodness our apartment was okay. The pie however, was not.
On and we did a secret Santa. However my secret Santa thought it would be hilarious to wrap each of my chocolate bars individually and then in tape. Then tapes together. Do you know how hard it is to untape that many candy bars. It was hilarious. Everytime I thought I got it there was another layer underneath. The video is too funny too.

People keep asking me how I feel about coming home. It's a lot to put into an answer. Of course I am excited. More than anything in the world I just want to be with my dogs again, of course you knew that. The part that weighs on me the most is that I am going to China in exactly one month. It makes me sick. I feel, if I wasn't going to China then I would not be so eager to get home. 7 days California, 7 days.

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