Wednesday, December 3, 2014

38 Planes Later

The number of planes I have boarded this year. 
And I don't have frequent flyer miles. ✈️
Epic fail.
Some people don't even fly 38 times in their whole life and I've done it in one year. Crazy. Crazy I tell yah.
That is boarding a plane every 9 days for a whole year!
I should calculate how many hours I spent in the sky. That would be sweet. 
What's even more crazy? 
8 countires I visited this year didn't even use planes. They used trains, buses and boats. 
I've been on literally hundreds upon hundreds of buses.
Taken public transportation for 6 months straight.  
It has made me so grateful for public transportation and even more grateful that I don't have to use it when I'm home. 
38 planes.
January 12 I start the count again. 
1. China. Maybe 1,2, and 3. We will see how many times I have to board and change flights. 
Secretly, I hope this years count is a lot less. I'm done with airports for awhile. 
Over and out. 

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