Tuesday, December 30, 2014

America. Round 2.

I've been home for one week. I want to rejoice in all that has happened and weep in knowing I have one less week before I get back on a plane.
This week has been fabulous. The weather. The food. The bed. The dryers. The make up. The animals. The family. 
Let's start with the weather. I left a cold, dark, and dreary world to come to the land of sunshine. I didn't realize how much it boosts your morale and spirit. Having sun and warmth has been the biggest smile maker. I walk outside just radiating happiness. I can actually feel the joy. My heart swells and eyes widen as I smile everytime I go outside here. Usually this time of year people are complaining bc they want to wear their "winter" clothes. I've been there, I get that. But go away for awhile and then come back. You will want to kiss the weather. California. Land of sun. I love you. 
Christmas! I love Christmas. My mom's set up this year was so cute. We spent Christmas Eve at Grammy's and had so much fun. I love going to Grammy's house and I love the traditions. Including my cheese ball :)
Christmas morning was also great. The dogs and their stockings is a hilarious site.
Me. I feel like me again in a beauty sense. My hair is soft and smooth from real shampoo. I have scrubs and coconut oil and a shower that is great! My make up refreshed. There are products galore and so much. When you live off the same eye shadow palette for 5 months things get a little full in the beauty department. Being back has been so much fun! 
Clothing. One suitcase doesn't hold. Wet much clothing so one resorts to leggings everyday. Coming back to a closet bursting at the seems and dressers full of jeans with piles upon piles of shoes... I don't even know what to do with myself except smile and realize I need to donate some items. No one needs enough jeans to wear everyday for a month without repetition. Same with shoes. Cleaning time. 
Family. It's been so nice to be able to see all my family and my puppies. So wonderful! I really miss my best friends who live in states other than CA so much!     
Being able to see everyone here though has been great. I got to hang out with my amazing chaparral coworkers and have good eats and a movie in Shipow's theater from Heaven. Yesterday I spent the day with Eric exploring- food. Of course. It's what happens when you have a foodie best friend. There have been some dates and meeting new people which is always an experience. Tawnie got home yesterday finally so I get to meet her adorable baby this week! 
The one thing that has been hard is the jet lag. I didn't think it would be so bad but I guess when it's literally an opposite schedule it takes some time for your body to readjust. I'm back to my in bed at 8 up at 4 routine. Hopefully I can shift this and get it to a normal schedule before I have to mess it all up again in China. 
Yesterday with Eric I bought calligraphy pens. He attempted to show me his skills - it's way harder than it looks. So that is what I will be learning how to do this week :) 

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