Friday, January 23, 2015

China Cheese

We got an email yesterday.
It was a blue dot on a map and a message that said cheese is sold here and other American Products for cheap. Immediately we started jumping up and down. Cheese! Cheese!
Mind you it's been a week since being in China but the thought of a grilled cheese Sandwhich was almost too much too handle. 
Immediately a trip was planned for the next day when school was out. 
So we got on the metro. To burn time and beacuse we were in China we decided a Chinese fire drill was necessary at every stop. Thus as soon as the doors opened and not a second before everyone had to switch seats. It was quite the sight to see 11 girls try and switch seats at every one of the 13 stops. The people around us thought it was funny. What was great was when the Chinese stole our seats and then a few were left standing. Hahahaha.
Once we arrived we tried to follow streets to the blue dot. The dot was all we had. No name. No instruction. No clue as to where we were going. And I, Jessica, was in charge of getting us there. If you know me you know why this is funny . I have no sense of direction. Zero. Zip. Nada. And there I was directing 10 girls through the streets of China. 
We walked and walked and walked. 
Passed a canal. Saw al sorts of new streets and felt like we were in China. Dirty, smelly, lots of people, scooters and poodles.
After about an hour of walking we were exactly where the cheese store was supposed to be.
Supposed to. 
See that fridge. That was the shop. Yes that's a cart in the middle of this hole in the wall. See that brick of cheese. It was huge. It was also expensive. This cous t be what we traveled two hours for could it? 
Oh but it was. We left. Like sad children who got no presents on Christmas morning. It was a major let down. But we kept exiting. We found this beautiful place:
Then as we continued our walk we kept seeing these groups of chinese dancing on the sidewalks so we stopped to watch and joined in on the fun! Then got to take pictures with them. So much fun dancing on the streets and watching them. 
Then we continued to walk in search of food. However we could not find anything and at this point we were HANGRY. We got bananas.
And as we walked we ended up passing our station but we found another one. 
We got off at the main station. 
McDonald's ice cream is huge here. They just have all these small booths that are just ice cream. Oh boy is it good! So much better than America.
Then came the chocolate boba milk drink. 
It. Was. So. Good. Wow. Wow. Wow. I sure did feel sick after though. Ice cream and chocolate milk for dinner. A real winner. I will be the only volunteer in the history of volunteers who comes back from china gaining weight. 
I am however working on the exercise. We walked for 5 hours tonight and in the mornings I am doing T25! WOOHOO! 
Tonight was an adventure.
My feet are going to fall off. My body is going to collapse. But I am happy. Oh so happy. 

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