Tuesday, January 20, 2015

China Facts

-don't put your chopsticks straight up in your food, it is offensive
- they have really fresh and really cheap produce
- you bargain for everything
- you can't use ripped money so don't accept it
-you eat everything with chopsticks
- spit your bones directly onto the table 
- all food comes with bones and eyes 
-Be careful when crossing the street they can turn right even with people in the crosswalk
- drivers will speed up if you walk when you are not supposed to, there is no pedestrian right away
- they are very giving and take you to elaborate dinners 
- anything you think is chocolate, is not, it's red bean
- they drink a lot of tea and it looks like s bunch of weeds in a water bottle
- horns are the main communication on the road and there are no real rules 
- there are really no lanes when driving and it's quite scary
- going to dinner is a grand ordeal with 20 courses.
- the chinese can be very generous and giving 
- if you rip a banana off a bunch they get really mad. They have scissors in the stores and markets and they cut them off
- nothing is sweet here it's all blan
- red bean ice cream is nasty
- the furry stuff ontop of bread and food is dried fish fluff, vomit
- they don't heat anything but bedrooms so the hallways are freezing. When you see a table with a blanket over it go sit at that table because there is a fire underneath to keep you warm
- there are not necessarily doors to places like grocery stores instead it's a bunch of hanging plastic pieces you have to push through 
- Muslim noodles or pulled noodles are delicious and everyone here is addicted to them except me
- you can get ice cream cones for 30 cents 
- the men and some women grow out just their pinky nail, insanely long 
-they mop the floor with toilet water
- Muslim pulled noodles are bomb!
- they eat a lot of very different meats
- everyone smokes 
- meat comes vacuum sealed, even a whole chicken
- there is a whole aisle of meat candy 
- totally normal to sing and dance in the park
- spitting. So much spitting 
- kids pee and poo in street
- yogurt comes with a straw since there are no spoons 
- anything with a motor can be driven even if it's a lawn motor with a cart attached to the back.
- the smells, oh the smells
- they like their drinks. Their are boba and smoothie places everywhere in nanjing
- there is no sanitation
- food comes on sticks
- you better push if you want a seat on the subway
- getting onto a train is like being in a horse race. Everyone lines up in stalls and then runs
- almost everyone smokes 
-little kids have slits in the back of their pants to pop a squat 
- stinky tofu is the worst smell I've ever experienced 
- squatter toilets no toilet paper no soap
- people slurp soup, loudly
- they wear little blankets when driving their scooters that also have hand warmers
- the bottles of brown stuff on the table is straight up vinegar, not soy sauce. Don't get confused.
- there are a lot of bikes
- stand on the right when going up an escalator
- the Chinese love to take pictures of us, some try and be discreet others just pull out their phones and go for it 
- we attract attention wherever we go, 20 white people in a huge group 
- you better buy a chinese blow dryer or your room with blow up and you won't have electricity 
- they eat dogs
- they butcher animals on the sidewalk in the market
- there are tons of street food vendors that will cook up fried rice etc but remember there is no sanitation
- there are no traffic laws, at least no one follows them 
- people drive wherever they want and however they want
- don't drink the water
- dove chocolate is really really good here
- snickers are everywhere, good thing I don't like snickers 
- they pack a lot of people into transportation 
-they drink warm water 
- some of the stop lights have timers that count down how long until the color changes
- you can turn right even if there are people in the cross walk 
- grandmas restaurant has the best shaved ice cream ever and it's peanut butter flavor 
- little kids wear crotchless pants
- when you are a couple you announce it by wearing matching shirts 
-lines done exist here you just push
- they have music between classes instead of bells which is really nice
- kids do daily eye exercises after recess and during recess they do synchronized memorized exercise routines 
- they wear a lot of clothes in winter even if it is a warmer day
- the doctors is cheap like only a few dollars cheap 
- not too many people run outside and they look at us funny when we do 
- wearing a medical mask it totally normal 

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