Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Goodbye America, Again

Well it has come. Time to say goodbye AGAIN. Third time this year. Now my year refers to June 2014-June 2015. This is the last goodbye I will have to make and the last leg on my journey. Thank goodness! Not that I have not enjoyed my travels, because I have but a year back to back to back is a lot, even for a seasoned traveler. 
And... This is the long haul. 6 full months. SIX. Right now, day 1, I'm very nervous. In Lithuania about month 4 I hit my wall so here's to hoping 6 months is doable. I think the hardest part will be when all the other groups are coming home in April and May and we will still have two months. 
It's going to be rough but not everyone gets the opportunity to live in China.
Today I moved to China.
Bet I'll never say that again.
It's totally crazy. 

 Currently in the air on a 12 hour flight after a 3 hour flight to Seattle. 
The worst part? Three people flying from Vegas for delayed and now we are going to have to sit in Shanghai for 3 hours and wait for them... After already traveling for 18 hours ... And then knowing we have a 5 hour bus ride... Cry me a river.
The good news? We will be in China! Living in China! Oh the adventures we are going I have.
I've met 16/20 in my group and they are all so bide. I think we got an amazing group. 
So here's to the next six months. Positivity. Happiness. Adventure. 

Here. Let's review yesterday. 
Woke up at 4am on Monday. Got to the airport at 6am. Met up with Emily who was also flying from LAX. Flew to Seattle which took three hours. Met with the rest of the group and waited 2 more hours. Flew to Shanghai for 12 hours! Got to sit by Hannah and chit chat which was fun. Got off the plane. The airport was dead quiet and no one was there which was way opposite of what we expected.
Went through customs, claimed our bags and then walked out. Met one of our coordinators. Waited 2.5 more hours for the people who were delayed in SF. Meanwhile we loaded this small coach with our luggage and got on.
Melissa said she had to use the bathroom and I felt I needed to go. Not that I needed to pee necessarily but that I needed to go. So we find a bathroom and all the toilet paper is out. I even went into the men's and every stall was out there too. So we have to go back inside the airport. As soon as we get inside we see Erica! We 
Apparently while going down he elevator three carts at s time she was the last one and didn't fit. By the time she got down there we were already at the bus and she didn't see us. Talk about a bad moment on my part and probably a truely scary experience for her. So glad the Lord was watching out and had us go back inside. So we bring Erica back and at this point there is no more room for luggage so it has to go in the bus... With us. Maybe 12 huge suitcases. Oh and there are 5 more people not here yet, each with 3 suitcases! By the time this bus loaded it was so packed full! I was able to lay down and sleep for a couple hours. Before we left though we started to look through the snacks our coordinators had gotten. Including waxberries, dried sugarplums, mochi gummy style, lion suasage and another yellow tube of mest that went straight into the garbage. That was an experience. At 1:40 am Wednesday we arrive. It's raining. We unload all the luggage and then learn it has to be carried up to the fifth floor... All 60 pieces. By people who have not slept in so many hours. Jerem and I help and then head up to finish roommate assignments. 
Finally we give out keys. By this point though jet lag has hit and we are awake. I'm rooming with Claire and my heart kept when she too wanted to stay up move all the furniture around and unpack entirely. 4:30 am with a cute room we get into bed.
We can't get the heater to work and it is sooo SOO soooo cold in our room. I put on more clothes and layer on my coats. It's freezing. I finally fall asleep but wake up at 7 because there is only hot water at certain times of the day. The only time in the morning is 6:30-7:30 am so you better believe I am not taking another ice shower. Washing my face was bad enough. 
I was so tired I also brushed my teeth with China water this morning. Here's to weird diseases.
✌️I'm in 🇨🇳 where did you wake up!?

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