Friday, January 16, 2015

Hello China

It has been two days. 
Two very long and awesome and stressful and exciting and tiring and.... Hahahaha days. 
So let's talk about the basics. 
1. Our first food experience. Thank goodness someone helped us because we had no idea what to do or how to order. The food... Day one was bad. I ate a spoonful of peanut butter and chia seeds instead. 
But then we had a good dinner and a good lunch the next day. WOOHOO!
2. There has been no one to help us. Jerem and I have been left alone. No  coordinator came the entire first day. We thought we would have someone to show us the school, take us to get money, answer our million questions. Instead we were stuck alone with no internet and a binder with hardly any information at all. It was very stressful and still is. Apparently we will figure it all out on our own. Good thing we rock. 
3. We took everyone on a tour of the school that we known nothing about. Made us laugh. Our school is very big. The kids liver here Sunday through Friday. There is a garden and even some animals. 
4. We met bell and Mickey who live on our floor with us. They teach here and they offered to take us to the mall and help us exchange our money. They are so nice! They showed us around and gave us some tips. The atm ate Claire's card though!  And I couldn't get $ but never fear I fixed that. 
5. Our ILP classrooms are awesome! The drama room has a little stage, the kitchen is a full set up, they are big and beautiful! We have two buildings. One where we teach second grade and one for first and third grade. 
6. We got to go to the grocery store! A double decker one. You better believe I was excited! I need to go back and buy more! After the atore some people are a full squid on a stick. Nasty. We got some dumplings. 
7. My roommate Claire is so awesome and perfect for me. She is a neat freak same as I am. Our room is immaculate. 
8. I bought a smoothie made with ice and then shared it with 8 people. I, Jessica, let 8 people drink from my straw! This year I said I was going to conquer fears. Fear conquered lol. Still can't believe I did it. 
9. We figured out how to get on the metro on our own which was great. 
10. It's very cold here. Our hallway is freezing. FREEZING I can't even describe how cold the hallway is. We run to eachothers rooms and then run in and shit the door as fast as possible. Thank goodness we have heat in our room. The first night we couldn't figure it out and froze to death, almost. 
Nick in our group wrote an amazing blog post, had me laughing like crazy. Check it:

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