Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Typical Day

What does my typical day look like in Lithuania? 
7-7:30am wake up- sometimes even 8! Talk about a new weird schedule for my body. I love not waking up at 5am
7:30 lay in bed thinking about going back to sleep check in on insta and the face
8:00 get up and think about how much I really need to exercise but it's rainy outside, I don't have clean socks, etc etc so it doesn't happen. Instead I clean the dishes and put them away, change the trash cans, pick q tips up off the floor and attempt to control my OCD neat freakness in this messy place. 
8:30 shower- climb in the ridiculously talk tub. Turn on the sink and then pull a lever which switches the water from the sink to the shower. Squish to the corner of the run shower and try to get my hair wet because the shower head only shoots to the side wall corner not straight. Every mornings it's a fun adventure. Get out trying to not knock the hose that is in the tub so the broken washing machine can drain through our tub. 
8:40 go back to my room aka the living room and put on my face and then stare at the few remaining least dirty of all my clothes in an attempt to put an outfit together. Our washing machine doesn't work so we have had to wash clothes in the sink or tub with our hands and then out then outside to dry which takes days upon days only to bring them in smelling almost worse than when we attempted to wash them. Thus I have given up and decided to just wear everything twice, no wonder why people smell a little odd, and then have a giant mountain of laundry shoved in my living room cupboard, waiting and hoping a washer will appear someday soon. 
9:20 I collect containers from our kitchen. It's nice hear bc food comes in glass jars instead of cans and all the lids fit all the jars. Anyway I walk to the kindergarten next door and pick up breakfast for myself and my roommates. Greet the cooks, try and find a spoon, scrape te porridge Into the jars and head back. 
9:40 eat breakfast. Today it was cream of wheat. Yum. Havnt had that since I was a kid and my mom made it. They also have this corn meal porridge which I love and their oatmeal is so different the oats are thick and plump and I don't know. It's good. 
9:50 bored. So bored. I usually research and try and plan our vacations and weekends and that takes a long long time. I will also blog and read. I imagine I will read a lot of books while here. I jus finalized between shades of gray and no it's not one of those gray porno books. It is about a lithuanian girl who gets deported by the Soviet Union and if is awesome! 
10:30 Mikele comes out of her room
12:00 Paige appears from her room 
1:30 lunch time. We go back to the kindergarten- Mikele, Paige and myself to enjoy lunch. Which always consists of soup and potatoes. There is some kind of meat thing and coleslaw too. 
2:45 head to the school. Set up classroom, prepare lessons, and get ready for the kids to come- never knowing who will show up 
3:30 class starts 
4:30 Paige comes in to do a short lesson with the kids to give them a break from me. I go to Paige's class and teach gym or last week it was kitchen.
5:00 back to my elementary class
6:30 they go home 
I go to Hannah's class to teach her lesson and she does 30 minutes of the 3 year olds
7:00 I teach the three year olds
7:30 clean up
8:00 walk across the street and get dinner from the kindergarten then go home and eat 
9:00 getting ready for bed and then reading 
10:00-10:30 sleep!

On Tuesdays we have Russian classes and team meetings. On Wednesday we try and go Into town or do some kind of activity. On Monday nights we have family fun night and all the girls come over. ( there are three girls living with host families) The host family thing kind of stinks beacuse the girls who left are the ones who wake up like I do and we could exercise together or go places. 


  1. Hi! I went to Lithuania a year ago. My name is Shelbi. I saw your blog on the Pinterest board. Who are the host families now? Are Jolita and Arturis still hosting?

  2. I am not sure. None of those host families sound familiar. Right now we have 3 in the apartment and 3 in families.
