Sunday, September 7, 2014

Good Deeds

Yestersay was Paige's birthday. We went into town for the city festival. 
There were so many people there! The streets were packed with vendors of food, art, and selling all sorts of homemade things.
After walking for awhile we hot cathedral square and were able to be in. Gigantic city picture. I can't even guess how many thousands of people were on the square for the photo. Dima and his family then met up with us and we explored an area of town that was new to us.
The city really is beautiful. I want to explore more and more as the weather is still nice but it's hard now that the half of my group that wakes up in the morning live in host families all over. Anyway I will work on that one. So exploring the hustling city was awesome. We then went to dinner at what the past girls told us was the best Mexican restaurant. We were excited to get food with flavor and were expecting Mexican food as we have in the states. Wrong. On so many levels. What we got was a a I the size of my palm for 5L. It was a good taco but it most Definetley was not Mexican food like we expected. Well during out little and I mean literally little dinner this parent age couple started talking with us. They are from San Diego! First it was great being able to talk to people in English. Second, they were highly interesting! They are here on his job for a year and before this they lived in Shanghai for two years and Norway for a year. They have an awesome travel life. Anyway to the title of this post good deed. When we went to leave the man we has just met had taken care of our bill! He bought all five of us dinner. Strangers that he had just met. What an awesome experience. It made us smile and feel a whole new renewal of gratitude. 

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