Saturday, September 20, 2014


Day 1. 
I was really worried about you Norway, I was, but you pulled through. 
Day 2.

Oh let's start with some more miracles. I will tell you that God is definetly watching over our group and putting people exactly where we need them. For example when we got on the bus fr the airport the seats were all full so we had to split up and sit by strangers. Mikele sat but a guy names Tadas who was from Lithuania! He was visiting his brother here and when we got off the bus he walked us through the station and showed us the Main Street of town. He then walked us all the way to the tourist center so we could plan our day. Seriously? I don't believe in coincidence. That was cool. 

So day 1 we were in Oslo the heart of the downtown city. It was a huge let down. It's not pretty and it's just blah. We went to some museums on the Oslo pass. They were okay if that's your cup of tea you would have enjoyed it more. I guess the problem is for how much this place costs I thought it was going to be so neat and it's just so pricey! Anyway let's look at the good.
We went to this castle that was a beautiful view.
Fun to walk around for a few. Oh and that's the other thing everything closes so early! Like 4pm so plan on that if you ever come here come before September 1 when it is summer season and everything is open. 
We went to the museum of resistance and learned about WWII in Norway.
The museum itself was a gorgeous exhibit and so well put together. These are guns.
Then we went to the art museum. 
Seriously this is only the start. So many museums lol. what was neat about the art museum was sitting inside and painting where the kids paint. We only had about 15 minutes and then it closed too but we were able to paint a quick picture.
After this we hurried to the noble peace prize museum. Since this is where it is handed out, although not in the museum. 
It has some great info on social media. Do you know 95% of Norweigans are on the internet? We made some art here too.  People would spell things and leave messages on the democratic wall.
After this, we walked up to the presidential palace or something like that. 
And then found a macaroon shop!!! They cost 16 kroners but dang was it good! I love macaroons so much. 
From here we found the national library and we only had ten minutes inside but it made for some nice pictures.

At this point we were starving because we are going on hardly and food because it is so pricey. Here is where my mom would say just eat. Don't worry mom I bought some protein through trail mix so I didn't kill the other girls. 
I had done some research that said to just buy food at the grocery store so we found one and had made sandwhiches and ate the best apples ever. 
Unfortunately after this we went home. Sometimes when you travel in a group you end early whether you like it or not. 
Our hostel is called Anker Apartments. It is this huge place. Our door has like 14 beds in it. I'm on the top and there are no bars and sides. I spent my night waking up constantly afraid I was going to fall off lol. We also had to pay 50k for our sheets and 20k for a towel. These kroners are non stop adding up. 
So by the end of day 1 I think Oslo had stolen my wallet not my heart.
But never fear day 2 made it all worth it. 

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