Thursday, September 18, 2014

Where art thou orphanage?

That's what happen today.
Let me explain.

I've felt a need to do more service here in Lithuania. I am here teaching but it's not the same as Fiji or Ecuador and I need some real service to fill the void I am feeling. Anyway while at church they made some announcements about making quilts and taking them to orphanages around Vilnius. I got so excited at this announcement. The problem is that they only do quilts and go to the orphanage on the days that we work. 
So I talked to the ladies who are organizing it to let them know that we have a group of 6 who are very interested but can't do the days and times is there anyway we can make it work? So Sister Swiss invited us to her house for a private quilting session lol. Yesterday was our first time and we completed two quilts. It was fun to just sit around and tie quilts and get faster at them. Then sister Swiss fed us lunch which was a great surprise. Her apartment is so nice. I love it's American open floor plan and it brings me such happiness just being inside it. 

Then today, Thursday we were to actually go to the orphanage at 10:00 and help paint walls and see if we can set up a time to volunteer. 

Probelm is we had to take a bus and we don't know how to use the buses. Brother Swiss gave us a rough idea and we tried to use the website to double check and here we go. 

Step one get on 5g. Done. Step two get off on some stop with a M name at approximately 20 minutes into the ride. So I set my timer and at 20 minutes tell them to start listening for the name. We hear it! Woohoo. Get off. Step three find the stop for the 15 but in the process of taking out my phone I delete the picture that shows the stop for the 15. Oops. We   Finally find a bus stop but the 15 only comes twice a day at 10:45 and 5:45. Good thing I had looked at that website the night before and found we could take the 115. So we get on this 115 and then we don't know when to get off. We end up up a mountain and the bus just stops on the side of the road. We decided it is probably a good idea to get off.

So there we are on the muddy side of a mountain. An old woman is there so Mikele shows her the address but the language barrier is a problem. Then this man appears and comes to help. There is all this discussion going on and his phone comes out. We try to explain we are going to an orphanage but they don't know that word. We finally communicate it is a children's house and then man starts motioning us to follow. 

He walks us all the way down the mountain and to the address we think we are supposed to be at. 47. So he takes us in and starts to explain that we are there to paint and volunteer. They have no idea what we are talking about. So we show them the paper again with the address and learn that there is apparently another addess the same. 

Walk again. Find the other 47 go inside. He starts talking she starts talking and he says we are in the wrong spot and send us to another 47.

Okay now we are at 47 number 3 and they have no idea who we are and tell us to go to the other 47 next door. WHY DO THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME ADDRESS?

at this point I feel like it 
makes sense to just wait in this general area until the people from hutch arrive but the girls are going with Jon on their way to another 47 street. 

As two of us sit and wait a woman comes up and tells us to come with her the other woman was wrong and we were in the right spot. So 47 stop 2 was correct. Then we call the other girls to come back and then say goodbye to Jon. 

Jon was our miracle. Without him placed exactly at that minute on that side of the mountain we would not be here. Thank you Jon.

So now we sit and wait for the other ladies to come because this number 2 has a faint idea that we are aupposed to be here but hey are not sure why. Hopefully our leaders show up soon and help explain.

Until then... I'm thinking about how we are going to manage to get home. :/

Well the ride home was much easier!

We had a successful day. Played with a child for like ten minutes.

And painted walls! Sister swiss is an awesome artist. Here is what I worked on:

I did the last bug and the flower. She of course did the highlights :)

Ps my class is growing so large:
Up to 16 kids ages 6-12 
I'm also teaching these little adorable ones after my kids go home:
And then after all of that I teach these little babies 
That's Mikele the head teacher and by the way she rocks when it comes to these littles. She is so talented!

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