Sunday, September 21, 2014

Norway. Day 2.

Day 2 and so much better.
Day two started with a trip to the grocery store for a banana and yogurt. I also got some very pricey trail mix but I know my body and I know who I am traveling with and let's say food is not a priority to some. Those that know my inner psycho know that food is a HUGE priority. When my blood sugar crashes it's bad. And by bad I mean so terrible. Anyway. Trail mix. My saving grave especially since we didn't freaking eat again until 10pm. Ok anyway. I got my food.
So we get on this bus and take it to a little peninsula. Here we hop off at the Viking museum. This place is rockin!

It has four of these huge Viking ships that are actually burial tombs! A farmer was digging one day here and struck one. When the dug it up they discovered this huge ship with two women's bodies inside. It's so trippy. The carvings on these were so detailed and beautiful. 

Then we got back on the bus and went to a oh man I forgot the name. Khan tiki or something. He was this Norwegian man who sailed he pacific on a little raft and then did a few more voyages. He has a documentary after him that I need to wth and he is the most famous Norwegian. Can you imagine 101 days on this/

There was another ship museum with the I first ship that went through the artic. The whole ship was in this museum and you could go in the ship and it was a museum too.
Around these museums the nature was so pretty! We walked around and explored.
Of course we took some group photos
Anyway this place was so pretty.
Here is our group.
Ok then onto the bus again. This time to the folk museum. Usually there are people in folk outfits walking around and reinactments but this is off season. Come in summer people. Anyway it was still beautiful! It is a huge open air museum with old buildings and beautiful gardens. Come here and give yourself some time to explore. 

I loved walking around this place. They had an old candy shop and the man said we could have a sample so we asked him about the flavors. He said there was one he didn't know the name but lots of people liked it so I was like sure I'll take it. YUCK! People. Yuck. Black licorice. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. Vomit. Okay so spit that out and continue on the journey.
From the folk museum we got back on a bus and headed into town. Problem is there is this HUGE  and I mean HUGE marathon going on. We needed to get to the ferry but the race was blocking all the roads. Mikele and I started to get nervous but we found a way round about way and had to run across the race to get by the boat. But we made it. We got on our ferry and headed away from the city. It rocked! I am so glad that we did this.
Norway got even better the further away we got. The water was pretty and the fjord was stunning. Houses were built into the sides of the hills and then boat houses were along the water. I couldn't capture pictures to do it justice. You will just have to go see for yourself.

We ended at a place called brobak. This is where the Santa Claus house is but of course it was closed. In fact basically the whole town was closed. Things close so early!
We walked to find a bathroom first. Of course I found a bakery but didn't buy anything. Not sure why. Anyway look how cute this place is.
We walked around a little park and down the streets. The houses were so well kept and gorgeous with flower gardens and Ivy. I guess when your house is over a million dollars you take care of it. By the way I want the houses that are white with black shiny roofs. I need that one day. They were stunning.
Near the water we found some docks maybe.

I jut loves walking around this town. The girls said it reminded them of Maine. Why have I never been to Maine? I need to fix that. My mom has always wanted to do tht trip. Maybe next fall we can plan it. 
When we got back to town were were starving as you could imagine but there was this park that I really wanted to see and so did Mikele so we decided to find it. I was worried about going to the park at night so I decided to ask the store man. He looked at me and said you are not in America of course it is safe. There are lamps. And then in the fastest English I have ever heard he told us how to get here and said it would take 6 minutes. Okay let's do it.
It did not take six minutes.
First we had to try and find the subway station. That took awhile but we doesn't it. Then we thought it was going to be so close. Wrong. We ended up in the grocery store buying dinner. Another bad idea because we ended up having to carry our dinner ingredients the rest if the journey which again we thought would be short. 
So we are lost. I ask a man with a dog, assuming if you have a dog you live here. Wrong again. He sent us in the wrong direction. We ask a girl she sends us back the other way. 
Still lost.
I find a bakery of course I do. So I volunteer to ask for directions. Secretly it is because I saw this brownie Oreo thing tht looked heaven made and I was STARVING. So I ask for directions but I really ask her how good that brownie thing is and 40kroners later I have a divine piece of heaven. Now I know that because I was starving this amplified how amazing it was but even if I was full this thing was SPOT on. It was sooo good. Like top things I've eaten good. I want another one. Oh yah so I asked her how to get there and we start again.
Still can't find it. We finally see a park but no statues so we just start asking people if they have seen statues.
Yah that's a bridge with statues but it was dark!
Anyway it really was beautiful except we couldn't see much. It would have been just breath taking if we could have seen it in the day. Make sure if you ever visit you go in the day. And that you get correct directions. It really is close to the tracks if you know where you are going. 

Finally we get home. It's like 9:30pm and we start to cook dinner. Which at this point we are all starving and have maybe had one bottle of water combined between 5 of us which is stupid I know but there are no bathrooms around and most girls can't fit water in their bags. Whatev. Today I vow to keep better care of my body because -

This morning we got up early and I felt like death. Seriously SO exaughsted and dehydrated. So tired and so sick. But we got out the door by 7:45. I used the exact last 18 kroners I had to but a yogurt and banana and off we went. It's raining this morning. We start walking and see a bus coming so we run. But it's bus 11 and we need 13 but 13 doesn't come for 20 minutes so we run like crazy and jump on the 11 even though we don't know where it is going. We start talking all confused and this man, another angle miracle, asks us where we are going and we tell him the train station. He is going there too and tells us he will take us. His name is Timothy. He shows us where to get off, walks us all yhe way to the train statuon. Looks up our train and tells us where it is and when we will get to the airport. Then he walks us 
all the way to the tracks shows us which door to use and as if that is not enough he takes us back into the station to the waking area and shows us where to watch for the train. He was from Zimbabwe and lives here. Anyway. Wow. People are being out in our lives perfectly.
Now for the train to the airport. 
Peace out Norway.

On our way to the airport through the words of Mikele:
"We all got up, got ready and packed our things and said goodbye to one of the strangest hostels I have been to in my life. Thankfully they gave us some directions, but just like always we managed to get lost. We all started asking people frantically on the bus where we needed to go. Heaven shined upon us and we met Timothy. Timothy looks exactly like the black vampire off of twilight. He had the piercing eyes, the great dreads and buff yet skinny black man body. He also dressed very posh as well. To make him even cooler, he moved to Norway from Africa. He told us that he didn't mind taking us to the station because he was on his way there as well. When we got to the station, he brought us all the way to the train and made sure all of our tickets were in order before he left. What a nice guy. (I still thought he might have the urge to suck my blood.... Kidding.) We rode the train all the way to the airport."

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