Tuesday, August 5, 2014

America: 12 Days of Gratitude

Coming home. Ever lived the same day twice? Well I have. Thursday in Fiji I went to orchid gardens, bathed in mud, got massaged by the village women and spent 11 hours on a plane only to do it again. Thursday that is. I arrived in CA at 6:45 am on Thursday. Tell me that doesn't trip you out. Thursday in Ca was spent cuddling animals, sleeping on pillow top mattresses, eating Cafe Rio and watching live TV with family in an air conditioned house. 
Thursday. Twice. Trippy. 
Now 'merica I have 12 precious days with you until I am off on my next journey. Let me tell you how grateful I am for you and my privileged life. That's serious not sarcastic. 
I use to think that my 5 bedroom house, 4 car family, 26 pair of shoes lifestyle was normal. We took yearly vacations, traveled to see family, and went out to eat once a month. Seems normal enough. Until you get to know people. Until you live in a third world country. Until you interact, learn, and realize that your normal life is a distant dream, a fantasy to many.
You don't have to travel far to realize this. In most instances you can go within five miles and realize how much you have. 
Even as I started to date again I have realized how lucky I am. As I tell my story over and over to so many people the tale of travel always comes up and I am surprised and saddened by how many people have never left the state, have never been to another country or even on a plane. I never realized how priveleged I was and how many places I have traveled to. Those of us who get these opportunities to travel should be ever so grateful. We get to flatten the walls of our home and see homes all over the states and world. We learn so much and meet so many people. What an opportunity. I hope each time we travel that we look for a way to help someone and leave an impact no matter how small. I hope those who have financial freedom take time to travel and see other cultures. I wish that evey college student could do a semester abroad. It's life changing no matter how cliche that sounds.
There is also a huge difference between traveling to a place and living in a place. I lived in Suva, Fiji. I traveled to the Yasawas in Fiji. Those travelers on my latter trip didn't even experience Fiji. Yeah they saw beautiful beaches and the beauty of the land but they missed Fiji. You can see beautiful beaches anywhere. What makes a culture are the people. I am glad they got to meet a few Fijians and experience the happiness of the people but it's not the same. Makes me wonder what all the places I "traveled" to are really like. 
Okay there I go again on a tangent. Why I am really writing is to talk about my gratitude for America and the little things which are not so little to many.
Since coming back from Fiji I feel on a life high. I feel ontop of the clouds. Happiness. Joy. I feel a new sense of purpose and of hope for the future. I feel blessed. I read this Facebook article the other day about humans doing good things in the world and it made my heart swell. 
Bookmark it.
Come back to it when you are having a hard day and then go do something nice for someone. It doesn't matter how small or big. Leave a comment on someone's photo, compliment a stranger, drop a note in the mail, anything!
So gratitude. I have so much. So much. Sooooooo much. That's one thing I learned in Fiji. The amount I have is ridiculous. 26 pairs of shoes I counted when I moved. 26. Really. And you know the types of things I complain about? I don't have any shoes. Seriously. Pathetic.   My closet is swelling to it's edges with clothing but I never have anything to wear. I use to go through my closet, okay I still do this, but I would try to donate clothes. What came to mind... Oh but what if I need this, what if I lose weight, what if I gain weight, what if this style comes back. Dude. It's been in the closet for six years. Let. It. Go. Do you know how many people don't have clothing in general? How many people would love to even own 1/10 of what we have. Let. It. Go. 
On my bed right now I have literally 6 down pillows and 2 more on the floor. Why? Because I love them. Do I need 6? No. Can you have 6 down pillows? Sure! But are you donating monthly to charity? Are you helping those in need? Can you do both? Of course.
All I'm saying is please be thankful, daily, for what you have. Look around and count your blessings. Be nice. Help those in need. Find ways to serve. Thank those who help you. 
Be grateful for your hot water and thankful that you have running water.
Be grateful for yor pillow top mattress, be thankful that you have a bed at all.
Be grateful for your summer coordinated outfit and accessories, be thankful you have clothing. 
Be grateful for your dinner party, be thankful you have dishes and a table. 
Be grateful for your fresh squeezed juice, be thankful you see fruit in your diet.
Be grateful for your multi bedroom house full of furniture and decor, be thankful you have a place to live.
It's a daily thing. 
Don't forget it. 

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