Friday, August 1, 2014

The Kit Kat Review.

Among the many things we learned in Fiji we learned that chocolate is way better. Upon arrival I was immediately introduced to: The Boost and Kit Kat Chunky. Boost... not my favorite but Kit Kats...
In the states I am not a big candy person and could count on one hand the candy I will eat. Kit Kats is one of them. But lately I have found that American chocolate, particularly Hershey's is gross. So when I arrived to Fiji and the house raved about the chocolate I knew I had to try it.
One bite and I was hooked. I managed to keep the amount I ate countable on both hands which is saying a lot seeing as how most of my housemates probably couldn't count on both hands and feet. These things were eaten by the dozen by us Americans and I am pretty sure that the market next to our house only kept them in stalk for us. We probably made up half their revenue on a weekly basis.

So why are they so different? I wondered the same thing. So upon arrival to America I decided to investigate.
Let's look at my findings.

1. Location. The America ones are made in America. The Fiji ones are made in Australia. Both by Hershey!
2. Size. The American one is significantly smaller.

3. Color. You could tell right away that the Fiji ones were creamier just by the milkier color. 

4. Ingredients. This is it people the big difference. Both start with sugar. Obviously. But the second ingredient in American is wheat flour whereas the second ingredient in Fiji is full cream milk. 

Winner winner chicken dinner. Fiji WINS! 

Then the family had a taste test and Fiji came out on top by far. Besides look how much more chocolate the Fiji one has!

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