Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Is This Real Life?

Im having a very trippy moment lately. I feel as though my life is so surreal.
Was I really in Fiji just a few weeks ago?
Am I really laying on my bed in Lithuania?
How is this real life?
Shouldn't I be in America teaching?
I surely do miss Chaparral and the consistency that class would bring. I miss technology and having my 30+kids to joke with and play around with every day. It's a serious amount of work but leaving has made me realize that no matter how hard it is I really do love it. I enjoy the connections I make each year, I love the people I work with so much, and I love having my own classroom. So seeing all these posts on Facebook about Chap has made me sad but I am so glad I am not doing Back to school night tonight that always freaked me out.
Okay anyway.
Dude. I live in Lithuania. I live in Europe. And I moved here from Fiji.
How is this happening?
Isn't this crazy? Do people really do this? I feel like I am literally in a dream. Like Fiji was all a dream. 
I miss that place so much. Which is weird to me. I never considered myself a beach person and wasn't ever really interested in going I Fiji but I miss it so much. I miss the beautiful mind blowing clear water and soft white sand. I miss the kids so much. I miss the fifth grade class I taught and the way they treated us with admiration and love. I miss that everyone talked to you and greeted you on the streets. I miss yelling Bula and vinakavakalevu! I miss the house of craziness even though while I was there it drove me nuts. While the food and cold water were enough to drive me crazy, I wish I had more time there.
Now I live in Europe. I teach three different classes of kids and it is a completely different experience. Saturday I get on a bus and get to go explore Latvia. On my way here I got to go to Denmark. 
Months ago when my life so to say fell apart I realized that really my life was just getting started on a new path. I chose to do what I've always wanted: travel. I've always had this insane desire to travel and learn other cultures. Within a week of my divorce I had Fiji booked. Then as I started to think of what I wanted from life I toyed with the idea of going abroad for a whole year. It seemed nuts. I didn't know how I would do it and there were so many things that should have held me back but the nag wouldn't go away. I remember texting my mom something along the lines of if I went to Russia for a year would you watch my dogs? I was only half serious but of course that fueled the fire when she said yes.
If you know my mom you know she is all about doing things like this. In fact when I was freaking out because I thought I was going to have to quit my job to do this she like yelled at me and told me it was stupid to not go just because of a job. She said she would be disappointed if I did that. I love that! Most people would think and say the opposite and she was like screw the job, you can find a new one, get on the plane and do it now. 
Supportive parents. ✔️
Okay well my dad is a little more logical than my mom and he worries more but it's all about some balance. 
Anyway. I did it. My job worked out and I got special year of opportunity leave. I had been saving my whole life so the money was ready. I put everything on storage and my dogs at my parents and the day school ended I got on a plane.
Was it easy? Signing up was. Leaving behind everything to go has of course been hard at times. I had my heart broken when I left someone I was majorly in love with. It still hurts. It hurts to be away from my dogs. It's hard to meet so many new people and to live with people you didn't pick. It's hard to learn new languages and cultures. It's scary being places you have never been. Sometimes it's lonely. Some days and harder than others but it's incredible! It's amazing to live in new places. It's mind blowing to see sights that are only distant ideas. It's life hanging making connections with strangers and children around the world. It's laughter and smiles living with roommates you don't know. It's invigorating spending your time volunteering. It's a life changing personal experience that will teach you more about yourself, the world, and life than anything else.
I beg anyone with the opportunity, especially those in college to take a semester or summer and volunteer, work, teach, travel abroad. It is something that will have a life long impact on your life and something I wish every person could experience. 
Cheers to life!

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