Friday, August 15, 2014


Doors. You twist a door knob and pull the door open. Basic knowledge right? 
1. Our house has two doors. Two doors. You know when you go to a hotel and have an adjoined room? You open one door and there is another door. Now imagine that on your front door. Two doors weird. 
2. While we are on this subject let us talk about my incident. Handles. I twisted the handle nothing. I twisted it up, down, nothing. Stuck? I pulled and the door started to fall from the wall! Fall. From. The. Wall. Ahhhhh! So I caught it. Pushed it back and left it. To deal with later when I find someone who can help.
Then I learn that the door is supposed to open like that. It let's air in. Apparently doors here have options of how the open. So let's look at it:
Seriously if the door started falling at you like this wouldn't you freak? Don't lie. That's scary. 

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