Thursday, August 14, 2014

Copenhagen, Denmark

Wednesday at 2pm I entered the airport and boarded the plane to Chicago. Once in Chicago I was to meet up with my group to fly to Copenhagen. They were not answering their phones and I couldn't figure out where to go so I started asking questions. I had to use escalators, elevators, bridges, and a tram to get to another terminal and then re enter security. It took me an hour. The plane left at 10:05. Well at 9:15 I get a message saying they are still in the plane but just landed. Um, ut oh. So I started texting directions on how to get here and as time ticked on the messages started to say RUN. Run faster. Hurry. I'm talking to the gate man now and he says you have ten minutes. Meanwhile I'm freaking because I don't want to spend the day in Copenhagen alone. Nor will I know what to do when I get to Vilnius. So I ask him how much it will be to change my ticket, too much. So I wait and finally get on the plane at 9:45. I must have looked stupid because I kept looking around and straining my neck hoping the made it. Then I spot Rachel but no one else. At least I have a buddy. Finally at 10:05 a group of girls covered in sweat come racing on the plane out of breath and huffing. They made it. Huge. Sigh. Of. Relief. I'm not going alone! Woohoo! The rest of the plane was average. Food, movies, interrupted sleep everytime the man infront of me moved. 
The plane finally landed at 1pm on Thursday in Copenhagen, Denmark. We had an 8 hour layover so let the adventure begin. 

Part 1: figure out where there was a toilet. Lines everywhere. Wait.
Part 2: exchange money. How much? What type of money do they use here? Who knows everyone just put in $40 and we will pool the money. Done. While in line meet random girl. Name: Tabitha. Traveling to: Germany. Why: nanny. Invite her to join us. Accepted. 

Part 3: get out of the airport. Denmark stamp in passport wahoooo. 

Part 4: find luggage storage lockers. Ask. Ask again. Ask again. And again. Finally found. 
Part 5: fit all luggage into one locker. Difficult but done.

Part 6: read instructions in Dutch and convert Dutch money. Not enough money. Try and break bills to get coins. Continue to try different amounts of coins in machine until the locker locks. Done. 

Part 7: go back to airport and figure out the metro. Man speaks too fast. Who knows. Take ticket and hope no one questions you. Get off on k something n something. Lost. Ask directions. Find the canals.

Part 8: locate the beautiful canals and gorgeous scenery. 

Take hour canal ride around Copenhagen and look at the beauty. 

Part 9: walk the cute streets, eat, get ice cream. 
Find the happy wall. Climb ladder and write on wall.

Part 10: try and ride horse while eating ice cream.

Part 11: rain. Get back to airport. Get on yellow metro. Goes wrong way. Get off. Get on green. Oops. Get off. Get on yellow again. Get off. Get on yellow going the right way and finally get back to airport. All while following a Norwegian man we met.
Part 12: fly to Vilnius.
Pray I don't puke on this small plane running on no sleep. I smell. 

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