Thursday, February 12, 2015

Bamboo Rafting

One of the highlights of Yangshuo is the bamboo raft. I mean who wouldn't want to raft down a river on a bamboo raft surrounded by the most picturesque mountains you've ever seen? It is literally like being in a watercolor painting. The whole time you keep thinking if you blink you will wake up. 
So the bummer is the weather has been less than stellar. Obviously, it's winter in China but we were in high hopes that it would be warmer in the south. Which, it is. It's in the 50's-60's instead of the 30's which is nice but not the 70's swimming and shorts weather we were hoping for. Nonetheless we are determined to have a great time. 
So according to the weather it was supposed to be 68 today and sunny, a perfect day for rafts, right? However after the bus ride and walk to Dragon Bridge it was completely foggy and overcast. You could barely even see the mountains!
We waited it out. Went walking through someone's field in an attempt to find another place to barter for rafts. Meanwhile Claire, Taylor and Dani decided they were going to jump off Dragon bridge into the water. 
This is dragon bridge. Jump they did. ClAire however did a seat plant into the water. The second she came out she was already completely covered in bruises and bleeding. Literally, the entire back of her thighs are purple. Every single blood vessel must have popped. Immediately we got her Advil knowing once shock was gone that it was going to hurt like none other. She's really tough though that girl. However I'm terrified to see what it is going to look like tomorrow.
After that adenture we boarded the rafts and set sail. It reminded me of a gondola ride in Italy because the woman or man stood on the back of the boat with a giant bamboo stick and pushed us through the river for two beautiful hours.
Now here comes the fun part. There are these little tiny dams that you have to go down with about a 4-6 foot drop off. It's like a water roller coaster ride and when you hit it makes a huge splash this soaking you with algae infested water. Make sure your mouth is closed please.
Today was one for the memories. 
P.s. I may, or may not have gotten banana crumble again tonight after devouring Indian food.

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