Monday, February 2, 2015

Beijing, A Travel Guide

Beijing Getaway
So, you’ve decided to head to Beijing but now what? With a city full of 11.5 million people and thousands of things to do and see how do you narrow it down? Well for one we decided to stay at stops all close to the metro and within a reasonable area, minus The Great Wall of course because that is just a requirement of China. So here is how we divided up our four day trip based on a winter adventure.
Season: Winter, January 2015
Time: Wednesday Night through Sunday Night.
Hostel: The Three Legged Frog
            (Good location and the hostel was decent but the people were incredibly rude and unhelpful. We would not stay there again. Make sure your hostel is near a metro stop.)
Cost: $218
4 Day Schedule:
  • Hostel: 117 Y total 3 nights
  • Food: 35 Y a day
  • Great Wall Transportation: 92Y bus, ski lift, slide 138 Y
  • Forbidden City: 20Y
  • Temple of Heaven: 30Y
  • Lama Temple: 25Y
  • Metro: 20Y a day
  • Train: $40 for hard sleeper, $73 bullet train home
TOTAL: $218, American Dollars
Night 1: Board the 10pm night sleeper train. You can buy tickets at but you will have to pay fees so instead we went to the train station. Keep in mind you can only buy them 4 days before you are leaving though and you will need passports in order to go and pick them up. When on the train make sure to keep your ticket handy at all times. You will need it to get on the train, during the train, and to get out of the train station. Do not loose this ticket.
P.S. Pay the tiny bit extra to take the hard sleeper and actually have a chance at sleep. You do not want to start your vacation in a sleep deprived cranky state.
Tips: Take ear plugs, an eye mask, water, Dramamine if you get sick, toilet paper, face wipes, breakfast, and keep your toothbrush and paste handy.
Day 1: Arrival.
-Check into hostel.
-Eat. (Seriously. People always forget to eat or skip meals to save money but don’t do that. You need to eat. Being hangry is never fun for anyone. Tip: I always keep trail mix on me at all times for emergency hangry monsters)
-Tiananmen Square (1 hour) cost: Free
 The metro stops in Beijing always have the big touristy things labeled. Tiananmen Square and The Forbidden City and right next to each other and if you get a hostel in walking distance that’s even better because it is a very central location.
-Forbidden City (3-5 hours) cost: 20Y
Give yourself time here to see everything. This place is very big and the more you explore the more you find. Make sure to locate the gardens.
Tips: Wear comfortable shoes and when you pay get the student discount. Bring a guidebook or do research before hand so you know what you are looking at. You can rent an audio guide for 40Y.
-Malls near night market. Wangfujing Street
Directions: Take subway line 1 and get off at Wangfujing, exit from A
This is an upscale fun shopping area. Are you deprived of H&M, Zara, Sephora? Head to the mall just to explore. Many of the shops open up outside to cute streets.
-Night Market (1 hour) open 6-9pm Cost: 10Y-80Y
Name: Donghuamen
Location: north of Donganmen Street, Dongcheng District Right by malls
Fancy eating scorpion? How about chomping on a spider? Well if food on a stick is what you desire head to the market and you won’t be disappointed. Walking down all the stalls and being mesmerized and disgusted by what you are seeing is always an experience. For those less adventurous they have candy dipped fruit, fried bananas, chow mien, dumplings and other street foods. For those who want to get their crazy on you can find baby sharks, centipedes, scorpions, tarantulas, grasshoppers, sea horses, starfish and so much more. Average cost: 80Y tarantula, 50Y huge scorpion, 15 Y baby scorpion, 20Y starfish, 15 Y fried bananas, 10Y fruit on a stick. You can barter here but they won’t go very low. However at the end of the night right before closing they are a little more willing to negotiate.
Day 2:
-Great Wall: Mutianyu Cost: 138Y (bus, ski lift, entrance, toboggan) Travel: 84Y
You can book a tour with your hostel from 250-300Y per person but w chose to do it on our own. This is how: Take a metro to the bus hall, get on bus 916 and tell them you are going to Mutianyu. We got lucky and the man on our bus took us to his mini van and drove us to the wall entrance. We negotiated 30Y per person each way. He then waited there for us to be done and then took us back to the bus stop. The price for a shuttle up to the ski lift, the ski lift, the entrance to the wall, and the toboggan down was 138 Y on a student discount. Do the toboggan, it is the coolest experience ever. Don’t cheap out.
Tips: Bring lunch and have a picnic on the great wall. Wear sneakers or very comfortable shoes this part of the wall is almost all stairs. Bring water and a backpack full of food.
-Explore Houhai Hutongs/ Shichahai Lake
This is a fun place to walk around at night and get lost in the lights and charm. We were there in winter and the lake is frozen solid. You can ice skate and even ice bike on the lake.
Day 3:
-Temple of Heaven 30Y
Location: Subway Line 5: get off at Tiantan Dongmen Station, Leave from Exit A and you'll find the East Gate of the Park.
Temple of Heaven is right across the street from the Peal Mart. It is a beautiful temple up on a slight hill with views of the city. It is a large park as well where you can walk around different gardens and explore. You cannot go into the temple but you can peek inside through viewing area.
Tips: The 30Y ticket is a combination ticket that lets you into multiple places. We didn’t know this when entering and only did the Temple. So check which ticket you want before you purchase.
-Lunch at Pearl Market
The food court at the Pearl Market is incredible! It is the best food we’ve had in China. The way it works is you first go to the card counter and give them money and they will give you a card with that amount on it. We put 100Y bills on it so that we could get change back. Then you use the card at the food place of your choice. When you are done eating you take the card back to the card place and they will give you your remaining balance. Eat here. Just do it. Price: 10Y-40Y. We spent 16 Y for big plates of noodles or rice.
-Pearl Market (shopping)
Location: Across street from Temple of Heaven.
The Pearl Market is not just pearls, do not let the name fool you. It is an enormous building full of shopping so be prepared to spend hours here. There are also ATM’s on the bottom floor for when you need to spend more but I would suggest going with a budget. The bottom floor is electronics, scarves, make up, and ties. The middle floor is purses, shoes, suits, and clothing. The top floor is pearls, knick knacks, and jewelry. The whole place is indoors.  
Tips: See the price list below for the best deals we found. Do not be afraid to walk away. You will not hurt their feelings and you will find the same thing again and 5 other stalls. Always look around and feel out prices from multiple stalls before buying! The worst is when you think you got a good deal and then find out you could have gone way lower. Speaking of which once you buy something accept it. Accept what you paid for it and move on.
Explore night Hutong
At night we just picked an ally to explore. The small little alleys are called Hutongs and are so fun to walk down and explore. There are little shops and markets as well to buy fun things.
Day 4:
Lama Temple Cost: 25Y
Location: Subway Line 5: get off at Yonghegong Station, and get out of the station from Exit C (Southeast Exit).
The Lama Temple is a beautiful temple to walk around and explore. Make sure you get all the way to the back because inside is a Guinness World Record Buddha that stands at 26m high and is carved all from one tree. We got lucky the day we went and they were having an incense ceremony which was an amazing cultural experience. 
-Olympic Park Cost: 50Y
Location: Take Subway Line 10 to Beitucheng then switch to Subway Line 8 (Olympic Special Line): get off at Olympic Sports Center Station, get out of the station from Exit B1 (northwest exit) or Exit B2 (northeast exit), and walk north to it.
We headed to Olympic Park for a quick walk. We did not go into any of the buildings but just had a quick look around.
-Train Home
Again, remember to keep your train ticket on you at all times. We took the fast train home and it was only about 4 hours instead of 12. Make sure you have some snacks, especially if you have not eaten dinner.

-Summer Palace (didn’t go but heard it’s beautiful) Beihai Park – looks incredible but we did not have time to go here either.

Pearl Mart Prices (Spring 2015):
Beat Pill: 70 Y
MK Purse: 150-220 Y
Beat Headphones: 40-80 Y
Toms: 60 Y
Converse flat top: 60 Y
Converse High Top: 80 Y
Cheap pearl earrings: 15 Y
Middle pearl earrings: 70 Y
Pearl necklace low quality: 80Y
Scarves: 10-20 Y
Ties: 20-40 Y
32 GB thumb drive: 20Y
North face Jacket: 150Y
Custom Suit: 720 Y
Robes: 30 Y
Beanies: 20-30 Y

1 comment :

  1. Just some additions to the prices for other people... I got Chanel and Prada purses for 180Y, so you should for sure be able to get MK purses for less than that. And small Salvatore Ferragamo and Mulberry purses for like 70Y. I always bought my pearls from a guy at the pearl market named Jack, and I went multiple semesters, and so I got earrings for 5Y, a short necklace for 30Y, and a long one for 60Y. (These aren't the crazy good quality ones from the upper floor, but still nice) Also, ties for 15Y, and a North Face jacket (not like an actual winter coat, but more of a thick warm raincoat I guess...) for 90Y.
    Also, I stayed at the Three Legged Frog one of my times in Beijing and it was great. The staff was helpful, and they had a wonderful private tour of a section of the Great Wall that was totally empty (and considering we were there during the big May holiday, that's an achievement for sure!) so I was sad to hear you didn't have the same experience.
