Monday, February 2, 2015

The Wall, The Great Wall

Today was simply amazing. A typical Friday in my life. 
Got up and began a journey I will never forget. 
Step 1: board the metro to the bus station. 
Step 2: find bus 916. Get on bus.
Step 3: the China man on the bus says come follow me and puts us in his mini van and drives us to Mutiyano or something like that. 
Step 4: try and buy tickets. Major pain in the butt but we found student tickets! 
Step 5: buy china hats so that when on the wall you can look like even more of a tourists with your selfie stick and fanny pack
Step 6: go to ski lift. Get on ski lift. Freak out because you've never been on a ski lift. Grip bar in death grip whole way up because ski lift is super scary. But be amazed by the views because you are on a ski lift to the Great Wall of china!
Step 7: begin adventure on the wall. Really, it was incredible. It was also A LOT of steps. But what an experience. First we found the place where you are allowed to graffiti on the wall and signed our names with a little piece of chalk we found. 
Then we went in a tower and got to see the amazing view.
Then we hiked down part and then up. Straight up! The stairs were so steep!
The views once we got up were so beautiful. 
There were hardly any people on the wall.  We saw maybe 20 different people. 
Jerem and I in our total tourist outfits. 
What an amazing part of history we got to experience! 
Step 8: the toboggan. 
5,000 meters of winding insane fun. It was scary but incredible! So, so, so much fun! We twisted and turned all the way down the mountain with the Great Wall behind us on a slide that was incredible!

It's not every day you ski lift to the top of the Great Wall of China, then hike it and end by sliding down on a giant toboggan.
What an experience.
Hostel: 117 yuan
Food: 35 a day x 4 days = 140total
Great Wall: 92 transportation 138 bus, ski lift, slide. 
Hat for for Great Wall: 15
Forbidden city: student discount: 20
Temple of heaven: 30
Llama temple: 25
Metro: 20 a day x 4 = 80 
Train here:$40
Train home:73

Total:  $218
Pearl market:
Purse: 220 but then also 140 
Beat pill speakers: 100 but got one later for 70
Thumb drive: 30
Robe: 30
Lace umbrella: 60
Training chopsticks:5
Scarves:10-30 each 
Pearls: cheap earrings: 20

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