Friday, February 13, 2015

Biking Through Beauty

Today we went on a bikeride. 
Remember when I went on a bikeride in Lithuania? Remember how funny that was? I think I did better this time. Except, maybe, when people stopped unexpectedly and I had to yell and get all sorts of panic because I almost crashed. Key word: almost. I survived, although my butt is not too happy. When you bike for 6 hours your backside hurts, a lot. But when you follow a little old lady through the most pristine countryside it doesn't matter.
Those mountains...
Look at this place!
Everytime we went around a corner it got more beautiful. I mean look at that! Riding on the rocks was a little difficult and painful. We stopped often for photos as we strolled through this countryside.
At one point we stopped and she led us into this orchard to get clementines off the trees. I'm not sure if we were stealing or if she knew the place but the fruit was delicious.
Then while walking down the side of the road this happened:
Never seen one of those before. 
Now I'm off. Maybe to get banana crumble... 

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