Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Cable Cars to the Monkeys

Are you seeing this? I first saw a photo like this many months ago an it Mae me so excited to go to China. I knew I had to cable car through the Avatar moutans. We picked TUESDAY because it was not supposed to rain.
This was on my top three things to do in China. Yesterday we hung out in the hostel all day then went and got dinner. We resorted to street food bc nothing else was available and I was desperate for veggies. Then we watched movies all night. 3am. Holy canoli. Here it comes. Vomit for days. Food poisoning. Oh my least favorite thing ever. Immediately I freak out not because I'm sick but at 9am I'm supposed to go to the cable cars, my one and only chance, ever. I spend the next five hours puking my guts out. It was miserable. Finally at 8am my roommates wake up and I tell them my dilemma. I decide to take meds even though I would rather let my body run its course but I HAD to do the cable cars. We give my sickness some time and at 11 finally head out. Stomach cramping and churning I push on. Luckily my group rocks and rather than doing the four hour hike we took a taxi and a bus straight to the cable car. I love them. 
Then we saw this. The most incredible ride! I was so happy and so excited. I just kept praying to keep everything inside me. Once at the top we had spectacular views. 
And more monkeys!
This time we decided we were going to feed them. Risking our fingers we went for it. 
They like banana chips way better than bread. 
Feeding the monkeys was scary and funny and so much awesomeness. 
What was really cool was how few people were there. Remember Monday in the pouring rain with thousands of people? Yeah, I still don't get that.
I really love these insane mountains. 
Today rocked. Now I'm on a bus transferring hostels praying my stomach doesn't attack with a vengeance. 

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