Sunday, November 30, 2014

A School Update

School is still going strong. The day I had the flu I missed my English level 1 class. Composed of: Ignas, Karina, Nedas, Nastia, Aleks, Slava, Nicca, Nicole, Sofia, Polina. 
Anyway I was back on Thursday and it was really hard because it was Thanksgiving and I just wanted to be home but Karina came around the door, saw me, and ran at me screaming teacher! She embraced me in the sweetest hug and said I'm so glad you are back. 
That kid makes my Tuesdays and Thursdays amazing. She is only six and so small and adorable. She is the definition of happiness and is always smiling. She loves to share her snack with me during break and just wants to be close. She's adorable.
Then in came Ignas and when I told him we had to start learning songs for our Christmas Program he said oh I know one and then proceeded to let out the most foul string of swear words to the beat of a rap. That child and his bad words. It's terrible. 
I was actually surprised how hard it was to get these kids interested in their program. They don't want to do it which I thought would be my problems with Level 2.

Surprisingly, I have level two a choice on if they wanted a program or not and they did!
I asked Dominyka to choreograph a dance for us and she picked the song All I Want for Christmas is You. She came up with the cutest dance and on Wednesday started teaching it to all the kids. She did amazing and was so engaged. 

At the beginning of the semester I wrote an entire blog post about her attitude and how she was going to single handily destroy me. I deleted that bc I became Facebook friends with her lol. But in the beginning she sat at her desk with her phone and just have me death looks. She refused to participate or listen to a thing I said and lived to roll her eyes and give me a death glare. It was scary and I didn't know how I was going to handle it. Slowly I started to put her incharge of activities and make her my helper. She realized I wasn't that bad and now we are friends :) a lot can change in 4 months. Seeing her lead this dance and get so in to it, it's amazing. Makes me smile from ear to ear and I'm so excited for this program. 
On Friday they started writing their scripts for the puppet show and designing the back drops. Friday Daniella and Nicole went crazy with the script and made this whole story about a boy who falls Ito Santa's bag and goes on a grand adventure.  I can't wait! I think they will rock it! Three weeks left! Is crazy! 

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