Monday, November 24, 2014

London Rain

At 5am our whole room was awaken to a screeching fire alarm. My ear plugs did little to dilute the terrible sound. The funny thing is in an entire room of people Rosie was the only one with the reaction to evacuate the building. The rest of us sat there and complained about the noise. Turns out it was something to do with the rain and a leak that set it off. Doesn't make sense to me either. 
By 9am the girls were finally ready to go and we got breakfast and then tried to figure out how to get to the airport and time it. Of course it took forever to make a decision and figure it out. When we finally did make a decision and arrived at the metro the metro wouldn't even sell us the ticket we needed. Instead we bought umbrellas and went back to the hostel to order a bus online.
Then finally got our hop on hop off tickets. But we missed the bus and had to walk for twenty minutes to the next stop. There we couldn't find the bus. It's literally 11:30 by this point. A bus finally came and we started our tour.
We got off on Kings Cross station to see platform 9 3/4. Let down.
It's literally just a sign on the wall and a line of people. We continued on our rain bus to see all the big things in London. Problem was it was freezing and raining. So we didn't get off the bus very often.
I totally rocked that poncho. Then we went I Harrods. Why? For this:
When I saw they had a Laduree in London I freaked out! The vanilla bean macaroon they have here is the best macaroon I've had in my entire life. They didn't have the big ones here like in Paris but the little one was just as good. When you pay $3.50 for a cookie smaller than an Oreo it better be good. 
I want more already! 
We missed our bus to the airport but we caught a later one and made our flight. Phew.
I don't feel good. 

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