Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Flu.

Lithuania: 4 Jessica: 0
I'm down for the fourth time.
Lithuania welcomed me back with snow, temperatures in the 20's and a violent sickness. 
But really, this is my fourth time being sick here and I really hope it's my last. 
Especially since this year it's my 8th time and second battle with food poisoning. 
Ok I don't know if it is food poisoning or the flu but both make me so sick I cry.
Yesterday at the end of class I had a major headache and just felt so weak. 
Then 1:55am. I knew I was going to be sick.
I'll never look at carrots the same again.
6 hours later and so much vomiting I just wanted to sob.
The worst part is when you are that sick and it's the middle of the night. So all you want to do is sleep but all you can do is wake up to throw up. 
Then when your system is cleared the dry heaving starts which is like the world laughing at you because if it wasn't bad enough now you have convulsions that do nothing but make you cry. 
And the distinct smell of vomit which I am always thankful for because it triggers the puke that's waiting to happen. 
But seriously,
No more. 

Well, it's 8pm. I have literally been in bed for 24 hours. I have moved to throw up and just a few minutes ago to get food. Yes, it took 23.5 hours before the thought of food didn't make me puke. I downed a little soup and am feeling much better. I am glad it's over. I am also thankful for my amazing HT who taught my class for me tonight so that I could lay in bed and cry. 

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