Saturday, November 1, 2014

Budapest Baths

Our bus leaving Vienna was at 11:30. Normally we would be excited to sleep in but having more time in Vienna was not fun because it meant getting to Budapest late. We arrived to Budapest at 3 and found our hostel which we are sharing an 8 bed dorm with an Australian. Anyway we hurriedly grabbed our suits and bought tickets to the famous baths. Some metro stops later we arrived and FYI their trains are awesome. They are so old school and sweet. Okay so here are the baths.
They have outside ones and insides ones all with different temperatures. Inside there are tons of little hot tubs with different temps and one for weights and one for laps.
The outside ones were way prettier and less hot and nasty.

Look how nasty this one looks. I don't know why they got in there.I surely did not. 
And now I've been sitting fully clothed for over an hour because these lovely ladies said they were only staying in for a few more minutes when I got out to get dressed. So now they say another hour. Needless to say it's been awhile since I've had protein but seriously that's lame and I'm pissed. It's part of being with a group but sometimes being with a group sucks. Cranky, over and out. 

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