Sunday, November 9, 2014

Dare I Say, Homesick?

I've got it.
I don't know why.
I don't know how.
But I do know that it has hit.
People talk about homesickness all the time. I never got it. I had been to college, lived with roommates, lived on my own, traveled, but I never understood the homesickness. Sure sometimes I missed my bed, a hot shower, good food, my dogs, my family, but I never felt homesick. I always knew that I will return home and it had never been a problem. So why now, what is different? Where is this coming from?
I remember being in Ecuador and the last few weeks I was ready to go home. I loved the volunteer work. I loved the girls I was with. I loved the orphans but I was ready to go home.
Now.... Here....
I want to go home.
I like Lithuania. I like my coordinator. I like the girls I am with. I like the food. So what's up brain?
I just miss home.
8 weeks in Fiji + 12 weeks in Lithuania + 12 countries visited on vacation = one tired girl
I didn't think it would ever hit but it has. Guess it happens to the best of us. ;)  I am hoping it is a phase and will soon go away because I am only 1/2 way through my year of travels.
One huge part of this is:

These guys. I miss my dogs so much. Maybe if they were here I wouldn't feel the need to go home. Seriously though, dog people, you will understand. Non dog people I have never understood you so whatev. But I miss them!

Another part of the problem is the holidays. During all of my travels I have only missed the summer holidays, AKA Fourth of July. Missing Christmas is another story. Yes, I will be home for Christmas but my family doesn't do anything on that day. It is the month of December that I love. The music, the lights, the decorated parking lots, the smells, the food. Ah! It hasn't even happen yet and I am already mourning.

I do want to focus on the positive though. I know that whenever I leave a country, I always miss it. I look back at it with rosy glasses and fond memories. The bad fades away and the good and the memories multiple. I am always left with a longing to return. I know it will be like that here too so I want to enjoy the time I have. So for the month of November I am going to focus on my gratitudes, even though I am in country that doesn't know what Thanksgiving is. So here is why I am thankful for Lithuania:
1. Paige's laugh - you won't understand this until I get a video of it and post it. Then it will all make sense.
2. Apples. They have so many apples and those apples have led to dozens of jars of apple sauce and my favorite apple bread recipe.
3. Rosie's love for chocolate. The girl loves sweets as much as I do. Together we are a deadly combination.
4. Varske or something like that. The little cheesecake bars they sell in the refrigerated section.
5. Dima. He rocks. He is always happy and so full of life.
6. My Lithuanian Visa. I have never had a visa before. It's cool.
7. Old Town. I love the architecture of old town and the beauty.
8. The ice cream shop next to soprano that starts with an F because it has basil pineapple ice cream that is incredible. Even if it is 40 degrees outside.
9. Marks and Spencers enough said.
10. The crazy lighting fast internet speed
11. The outdoor market.
12. Their money is pretty and we will be the last ILP group to use it.
13. Travel. Being here has allowed me to visit 12 countries.
14. The kids that share their snack with me during snack time. AKA Karina, Marjuana, and Lukas... they keep me fed.
15. 3 yr old Mikolas and his impressions of Mikele. I want to die of laughter every time.
16. Quilting and Sister Swiss feeding us once a week.
17. Being able to paint the orphanage,
18. Yeast pancakes
19. Lithuanian Mac n Cheese
20. That our school is literally across the street. I know I will be more and more grateful as it gets colder.
21. Leggings. I talk about food a lot... so put two and two together
22. Chocolate croissants
23. Hannah's video skills
24. The nice people who help us when we are lost on our vacations
25. Translators that allow us to listen to church in English

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