Let's start with. I know this post in juvenile. It's immature. It's kid like. But you know what? So what! You try to learn Russian. It's hard. It's odd and so confusing. So to say the least anyway we can make it more fun we will try. So today, it started with one innocent word... Oven.
But do you know what oven is in Russian. Well when Dima said it we about died of laughter. It really isn't that funny. Even saying bitch in English isn't funny but when your Russian teacher says bitch with a p and tells you it means oven. When you are with a bunch of littles you laugh. They laugh. The laughter keeps going and then you have to explain why the word is so funny.
From there is leads to learning what choir is in Russian.
hor. <--- Yes, I know that is not how you spell that word
From there is just got real bad...
смелый- brave--- smelly
хор- choir -- hor
печь- oven- peetch
факел- torch- fuhkiel
Please go to Google translate and type in :
And tell me you didn't snicker.
Please go to Google translate and type in :
torch choir oven
And tell me you didn't snicker.
Now say all four fast together. Today has been the best Russian day ever.
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