Sunday, November 9, 2014

Borscht... Huh?

Before coming to lithuania if you had said the word borscht I would have no idea what you mean. A fancy car? A clothing brand? No clue.
Now, while living in Lithuania I know what borscht is. 
It's a soup made from beets that originates from Ukraine. 
Now you know what it looks like. Okay come on who doesn't want to eat Fuschia colored soup? Actually it dyes everything Fuschia and I mean everything... I am probably pink through my whole digestive tract.
Now before you get all weird and start telling me you don't like beets, let me interrupt and tell you- you're wrong.
Now if you're living in America and you go to the market and buy a beet- you may be right because guess what I thought they were disgusting and tastes like dirt too. But I was wrong, oh so wrong.
My mother has always loved beets. And we always laughed and poked fun at her. 
Now I feel badly.
I'm addicted to beets.
Ask Paige. 
She's addicted too. 
We go throuh a bag a week.
Neither of us liked beets.
Now we have to have them.
I swear the beets here must have something in them. I want beets all the time! Cold, hot, diced, shredded, in soup. I just can't get enough!
One time when sitting on the bus all I could think about was getting home to eat beets. Weird. I know. So I did what any person would do and I went to google. 
Dear google why am I addicted to beets?
Decided it must be because they are packed full of nutrients. Seriously they are a superfood. 
And beets here taste oh so different. They are so delicious. Please come here and eat some or at least grow some in your garden and come to the beet side. 
So this is where borscht comes in. 
I was honestly scared of borscht at first. Especially since the first kind I had was from the cafeteria... Not my favorite thing.
Then one day at Sister Swiss' house she taught us how to make borscht but I didn't like the fresh dill on it but it was good. 
So that is when I made it myself and I just  love it. 
I can't wait to go home and make borscht for my family. But, um, mom guess you better get planting. We'll need to dedicate the entire yard to be a beet farm to keep up with my obsession and hurry I'll be home in 6 weeks. 

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